The WebGL version is completely unplayable

To correct you,FFT has most traffic from Asia, & when you played the game, it wasn’t an asian timezone btw.

Regarding Lag, as we posted lot of times, we are working on Webassembly, which will slight help on performance hopefully(we don’t have exact benchmarking yet though), which will be followed by Mobile first and then steam few months after, its under heavy discussion internally, and we will keep you notified as the discussion continues on.

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True, totally didn’t think of that. [quote=“Joll, post:61, topic:6236, full:true”]

Regarding Lag, as we posted lot of times, we are working on Webassembly, which will slight help on performance hopefully(we don’t have exact benchmarking yet though), which will be followed by Mobile and Steam port(its under heavy discussion internally), and we will keep you notified as the discussion continues on.

Fair enough. I won’t say anything else about FFT’s performance. I’ll give a new opinion whenever you guys implement Webassembly.

Ugh, looks like I have to explain this to you yet again.

Of course I compared the games. It’s good to compare where you’re at with your competition. The point in mentioning both is because most people don’t care if it’s .exe or web browser. If it’s free they’ll play it. You’ve gotta be realistic here and can’t keep talking about how great the game is coming along when the framerate is literally 15 fps and it’s darn near impossible to play. Sorry if I’m being a negative Nelly but that’s the truth. No ones gonna play a game that you can’t do crap in when there are other options.

Where in this thread did I say anything about wanting .exe? Stop putting words in my mouth. I’ve already given up on FFT being made into an .exe because you guys are dead set against it. [quote=“Dea83, post:54, topic:6236”]
Also from what I could see, when something is fixed no one says a word

Because the stuff that is being fixed is irrelevant when you can’t even play the game smoothly. Honestly who cares about the Moon Base glitch where you can go outside of the map. 95% of the players don’t even know it plus it wasn’t even that bad. Fixing the fps should be higher on the list than some of those glitches. I understand if somethings easier you want to do that first if you can do it quickly, but people aren’t gonna play a game with an fps of 15.

Also, you locked the topic with the patch notes so no one can comment on it.

Feel free to create new topic and discuss issues of patch notes there.

But i just told u why fps won’t be high as some .exe game nor u should expect to run smoothly as one. Also twice said that .exe might be some future plan and u said now how is against it.Ppl will go more for what their PC/laptop can handle, not really only f2p factor. Take in consediration how one game that is old 5 years needs way more updates to catch on newer games with everything, shop is poor, graphics should be made for better PCs as well and many things needs to be done. U might want smoother game, another player gonna say to give a better shop, third person gonna say he wants a new map or class, fourth how he wants a better graphics. Just because few ppl want one thing, doesn’t go for every single player in any game and we all have a different point of view on things and different wishes so it’s simple impossible to make every single player happy.

Actually, no one didn’t even mention glitching outside of the map, but many fixes that were done are important ones. If u don’t see it visually, then u will say how nothing is fixed.

And patch notes are not meant to be there for discussion on that topic and made it spammy, but as Ankit said, if u want to discuss about it, feel free to open a new topic.

Basically people teleporting all over and my damage after I shoot at them only registering like 2 seconds late

I also have “green” ping in US servers and “red” in EU servers when I look at them from the server list for some reason. But when I join the games (either EU or US) and press tab my ping is like 500 or so. (In old FFT it was 80-100 in EU and 200-300 in US)

Edit: I joined EU servers now again and my ping was quite good :slight_smile: This never happened before so maybe EU servers work on some times of the day, or latest patch fixed something, not sure.

However the FPS is still too low for me to be able to play sadly.

Check patch notes, a lot of things are fixed. Also game is updated with version that should reduce lag a lot.

^u can see how it looks for me on lastest version on Chrome

Andy, it runs smoother for you than for me, but even in your recording it looks very clunky and the FPS chips (I really don’t think that’s 50-60 fps xD). I can’t see myself sniping even if could run it like yours.

You don’t notice how it feels a lot worse than Unity version?

Webgl is Unity xD

Not really, u can see how I did crop on video (bot/killfeed) and it was some poor and quick crop, didn’t care much to adjust properly since I just wanted to rec . I didn’t lag at all. And Bandicam is not the greatest quality, it’s only 360 :confused:
Another thing is how I played on FF until then and my mouse sens felt different so that wasn’t the greatest thing either.

US server is bit more doomed and since servers switched, u can’t play smooth as before in EU. Same goes for me in US. Not really sure did u try US or EU and I would stick to US on ur place since u not gonna have lag.

@Nox At the end of the day, the game running smooth for you means nothing. That’s just you. If a crap load of people are telling you that the game is choppy and laggy, then I don’t see why you try to find ways to argue against it, instead of actually understanding where we’re coming from when we say these things. Sometimes you just have to say, “ok everyone says the game is unplayabale and laggy, let’s find the solution”, but instead I’ve only seen you argue and debate against it. Beside you there isn’t 1 person that I’ve talked to that has told me that the game is smooth. So obviously you should not keep arguingp and coming up with reasons why the game is not smooth for us, when the only problem is webgl.

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Sheesh, what negative person u are.

I didn’t argue with toad or up, I even said that I really don’t know what can cause that and how I did multiple times tests with different things to see what might cause the issue and I said what MIGHT be some of the reasons. Toad for sure have a better PC/net than me and that’s something I don’t understand then why isn’t smooth for her as it is for me or even better and I play on regular link as u do. If she switched to EU servers and tried there, ping is higher than in Webgl and that goes for me in US - game simple isn’t smooth as I have it in EU. If u keep reporting lag while actually issue is delay, then dev gonna work on a wrong thing. Got it now? Even on video that I posted u can see as example on shocker on cp how dmg was delayed on his ff/hp bar and that comes from servers delay, not LAG. Go in a game and try playing against ppl who claim they have lag while they play with 350 ping and now when that visual bug is gone, u can actually see who is lagging because of wrong server/potato net/PC. Multiple times u were asked to give ur PC spec and to record so we can visually see what is on ur screen and u didn’t do it.

How am I being negative? Most of the time when I was reading your post you only kept arguing against everyone to try and make it seem like webgl is not as laggy as everyone said. You did it with char, Beli, and a few others. Sometimes you just have to accept truth and stop trying to find ways to step around it. I don’t think I recall you ever saying, “I understand webgl is unplayable and we’ll try to fix it”, instead you’ve only argued and tried to blame it on our computers, browsers, and other things. Joll and Ankit both have reassured us that they’re aware of the issues and trying their best to fix it. You just keep putting blame on everything else.

Me providing my pc specs won’t do anything for you and I don’t see why you need them. Also, I’m not downloading an external program just to record myself lagging when literally everyone has said that we’re lagging heavily.

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Can I ask what was negative about rja’s post? He just laid out his thoughts very clearly and tbh he didn’t really say anything negative, was just giving an explanation.

Also, the big issue isn’t exactly lag (which is still a problem btw), but the framerate.


Game was updated since then with reduced lag.

He is negative by saying how I argue that lag doesn’t exist. You are seriosuly wrong if u think I actually need to help u on any way to reduce ur lag if it is possible. I gave some examples what might be one of the reasons for it, ppl know the best what they do with their PC and with how many tabs they run FFT/do they even clean cache. Make a difference between ‘arguing’ and discussing to find whats the issue.

And lol.

I never asked you to help me on ways to reduce my lag because my computer, how man tabs I run, and anything else was never a problem before webgl was implemented.

Edit: Also for the record, I never had lag issues with FFT. Even when I went to EU to play everything was extremely smooth. The only time I would experience bad fps or lag was when a hacker would join or when I would play in Moonbase for long periods of time.

U didn’t ask, but many others did and some problems were solved. I don’t create my posts for u only, it was directed to ppl who might have some issues and might want to try is anything else working for them.

And u’ve been also told months ago to not expect 100% same as web player, more like 75%.

And clearly u ignored part of my posts where I said that we are aware of US having more issues that comes from server. Beli, toad, Char, u —> all US server.

Edit: U actually made a solid point here 'my computer, how man tabs I run, and anything else was never a problem before webgl was implemented. ’
BEFORE FFT used ur PC memory. BEFORE u could run more stuff in browser because FFT didn’t take even close cache as it uses now for browser. BEFORE i also didn’t need to clean cache on every 2 days, more like 2-3 weeks.

It’s not even close to 75% tbh. Also how do you know all the people in the US server haven’t experience bad fps and lag?

I said that ppl in US are having more issues because of server, u missundrestood that one.

Same day, same time, EU and US server. US unplayable but literally, EU smooth as hell.

I wouldn’t ask for ways to reduce lag because I simply can’t play a game that lags at all. For me to ever play FFT again seriously like I used to, then the game would have to be playable and lag free. So no, “reducing” lag would not help because the lag would still be there. I don’t know about other people, but I can’t simply play laggy games which is why I’ve left other shooters in the past.

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