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Play2win, wow so your telling me that if you were a PVT and you bought every class and skin you would be able to beat people like xRaiLight? yea no buddy. That is the definition of pay2win to where if you spend money you get an advantage and idc how many classes you buy i got all of them without spending any money like almost every other Gen and I can still kick your ass.
Blaster nerf is not stupid you ignoramus, respectively.
When he said one item he meant requisitions and even those are never going to turn a fight around, theyre just a convenience.

I have never said nor implied that you have to do anything, I merely answered your previous question. I’d really appreciate if you wouldn’t use words that I haven’t said to support your misleading claims. Thank you. <3

While this is a very interesting suggestion, you seemed to have evaded my question really skillfully. I’ll make myself a bit more clear this time. For what purpose would you, as a player of this game, want slugs?

I understand it the same way everyone else does except you and the person who aparently explained you how P2W games work. If you still need further explanation I suggest you to google up the definition.

If you have successfully understood how P2W works then I’d like you to answer that question for me if you don’t mind. [Charle gave away the answer :c].

EDIT: @Charlemane2 Please, do not bash Gjipie! We’re having a nice and respectful debate over here, do not attack him for what he truly think it’s needed for the game. (Although I coincide with you that a Blaster nerf is a must).

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I was completely objective in my commentary towards him. I only went off of facts and definitive words to give my rebuttle to him.

I was trying say to 1mN0tCraZy that he make a nice job editing the classes/making skins.


Lets remember this game for the way it used to be.
Freefall Tournament video

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And yet everything I have said is correct and makes sense. In the other hand, you barely understand the basics of the game and can’t come up with good arguments due to… your poor comprehension skills? For example, this next point proves that your reading comprehension is a bit twisted:

That was the second time you dodged my question. I honestly think that you really either are not capable of reading or you are really concerned about those things I haven’t said/implied. Could you please quit letting that cool imagination of yours run wild and answer a simple question? I’d be most delighted if you please could do so, pwetty pwease. n.n

It’s not that hard to understand, really. Once again, you are perhaps the only person in the entire forum that could have missed that… Anyway, relevant.

Am I suppused to believe that you are still on the blind? Even after Charle gave the answer away crystal clear? Whatever… FFT is not P2W and that’s final. Keep denying the obvious, it doesn’t matter anymore, hehehe. c:

(I apologize if you’ve felt attacked with the way I’ve explained it all to you, it was not my intention at all. :heart:)

That should go in Off Topic bruh! xD

This game is not even close to being p2w. This game is like the most free gave I’ve played. You have the opportunity to buy all classes for free and not only by kreds. You should try playing games like tdp4, and you’ll see what p2w is.

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Gjipie,u sure u know meaning of pay to win? From what i could read,seems like u dont.
P2W - stuff that u can pay only with real money and its ‘upgrading’ ur hero (better weapons,more hp,resist on poison or something etc).
So,u do realise that skins are cosmetic things and skins wont make ur hero any better? Also hero that u buy with z-cash is same as hero that is bought with real money. Why would anyone gift u money aka slugs just because u won match (not gonna mention that u can get carried by 1-3 players and win lol).
No one is forcing u to buy skins. If u wanna ‘look better’,its ur choice. besides,game was earning only to cover servers and thats why it wasnt updated since u need A LOT of money to create new hero or map. Why would anyone invest in something wland to not get money back at least to be on 0?

Im up for adding more cosmetics,even time limited ones. Game gotta earn and players decide will they spend money on it or not.
hope its more clear for u now.


He is obviously doing it on purpose, going against everything we say.
Theyre is a word.
idc is an acronym
been speaking english for 18 years not stopping now

Are you suggesting he has a special place in the hearts of icelandic folk?

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This post is one of the dumbest ITT. 1: He didn’t create those hacks. Most of the “hacks” he ‘discovered’(published would be a better word, honestly) are duplicate versions of what once were some actually impressive, fun hacks. 2: You’re asking the one guy who’s persistently taken dedicated efforts to harm this game for help. Establishing any common ground between someone like him, and not taking attempts to nullify his antics, is death sentence for any game, and especially for one that’s nearly already dead, like FFT sadly is.

Edit: Probably beating a dead horse with this reply, but I’m free now so… yeah, have my 2 cents :slight_smile:

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Actual suggestion: Decrease the free class rotation to ≤ 8 hours, and include a wider variety of classes for newbs to pick from. If you want more people to stay and keep playing your game, the least you could do is showcase the attributes of your game a little more.

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