
what? i’m sorry. but what? do you know what grammar is? :wink:

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Just because you were wrong about a random topic over the Internet is not a mobile for suicide, please don’t.

You’re tired of reading and not of writing it? :c

EDIT: You have been categorized as a troll by ilneutrino, so you’re not getting fed now.

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xRailLight, don’t feed the trolls.


xRaiLight, you are what you eat.

xRaiLight, don’t eat the troll.

xRaiLight, stop.

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This guy lel. I wish he is trolling but this is being dumb af.

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I would call him arogant. And obv some kiddo who cant understand one line here. Like i said,i wish he is trolling lol. Sadly,seems to me that he is serious xD

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Can we all agree that “that” particular user is detrimental to the quality and success of these forums? I hope I’m not the only one that feel’s that he’s creating a hostile and unwelcoming environment with his disrespect, constant use of obscene language and belligerence.

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He isn’t trolling.

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I have come to the conclusion that Gjipie is your average social butterfly / troll.

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This literally makes no sense.

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I never said anything about your English? I understood you perfectly. I meant your response to my post didn’t make sense because you said i already answered my own question.You get upset pretty easily, relax.


I suggest that we suggest more ways for the game to make money. On the assumption that team will fix the game to where a person wants to spend money on it. What are more things that they can add that will increase the income from the game.
One thing i suggest is it take more experience for the ranks, I am a G2 and have been playing for a very long time but i still feel like people can get high ranks too easy. Lft can be gotten in less than a day. I realize this has no effect on game income.

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Huh? It feels like I was col. yesterday and now I am G2.
Jokes aside, I can get lft from 0 to 1000xp in 10-12 hours. But I don’t aim for xp anymore, just play for fun.


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Gjipie, you’re retarded AF. Lmao. Get a life, stay off this forum.


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Beter leren hoe je intelligentie te beheren dan. Je hebt gebruikt het de verkeerde manier.

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i think we should allow the E ability function work even while reloading… as it is now the only class that actually suffers from that is the bomber. sometimes you might find yourself in a tight situation when using the E is more then necessary, but just because you had to reload like you did probably 3 seconds ago you’ll get punished in certain death,and that punishment really has no point.

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