
Can you two stop speaking in another language and using profanity in said language? It’s disrespectful.

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My suggestion: Everyone chill the heck out.


Agreed! everyone should just chill out yo :relaxed:

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honestly you should not be causing conflict with other its one of the rules on ID net

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“Whoever you are?” They say on the forum of a game where this said person is a Moderator. Its his job to say chill the F out.


sorry if I said that

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Ok, wow, I don’t think I did anything to deserve the middle finger.

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who are you please don’t talk

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Maybe its because your ugly lel, most wise words to ever leave patricks mouth kappa

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well maybe you should stay out of this

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You jumped into this not the other way around.


who are you go away please

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first of all no body is ugly but me
second of all no one should be telling others what to do or say everyone has a say
third of all just stop arguing over something small just ignore it

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your right but whoever this person is they suck

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nope @Charlemane2 is like my best friend hes pretty awesome so don’t talk about him that way and also ID net is gonna kick you out for causing conflict its a rule you know…u cant call others out and tell the other wise

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That was talking to beli,joking that he is ugly which is a joke i have given to him before in reference to spongebob, never regarding ‘kristy’ yet she jumped in then insulted me for “jumping” in, which is a fallacy in itself. I never directly commented towards said person until they directly attacked me and even now i have not attacked them back. What are we arguing about? Nem is 17 if i remember right and fluffy is 19

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for real dude lol real funny picture

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R.I.P. Gene wilder you were a great actor you died so old.


heres something funny its true though

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Those are made with plastic and spray paint @MinecraftSlayer24
Alright though that is enough, please back on topic please; this arguably the most important thread on the forum at this point in the games lifetime.

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