
true we should just go back on the topic…its not a free for all…

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What do you guys think about my assassin suggestions? Not many assassin mains active on the forums, @InvisibleKiller786 what do you think about my ideas on assassin?

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Can all of you relax?

Also, stop double posting. If you continue to double post it will be labeled as spam and you will be reported.
Stay on topic.
Be respectful and do not use profanity.


@kristy from @Charlemane2
Tell your friend she is cluttering up the forums and she should message people rather than double and triple posting.

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Dont spam please.


Ankit some of these posts are insulting others and inappropriate, do you mind removing some of them?

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please flag them.

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I showed Jeremie and Genard a couple of glitches yesterday and today.

-Double slash
-Tech suppressor base glitch
-Scout haze
-Tank stun lock
-Shocker base shooting glitch

Cris showed them Assassin double slash and moonbase glitch. I know Beli said something about a bomber shooting in base glitch? But I’m not familiar with that. Is there any other glitch you guys suggest i show them? I might have missed some things.

Edit: There is this one glitch with gunner i noticed. A gunner might be using Assault rifle and it looks like their using the rail gun shooting really fast.

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Tank stun lock is not a bug, its a sad skilless trick. The tank “double-swing” is a bug though, so if you meant that when you said tank stun lock then ignore.

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I don’t know what the movement is called. But it’s the same clicking as double slash for tank. That’s a glitch.

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Great ideas. Assassin too OP. It takes skill to be OP with it but now its just abusing glitches and other stuff.

  • Also other bugs/glitches were being tech or bomber and shooting pulser or minis into base of opponent.
  • Getting stuck under opponent base on other team in TA. Similarly sometimes getting stuck on shuttle bay dock “ship”. Only happens on one side of the ship.
  • Tank glitch where you can have the buckler shield up and be using the HMG at same time.
  • Being able to 'magically" end up on inside base of other team when respawning. Rare, but some players know how to abuse this.
  • Assassin speed abuse, “only I know this one” where I can go 225mph+ and outrun mostly anybody. Even ronney keeps pestering me about how I do it. This speed thing also applies to tank.
  • Ronney does this thing where his assassin “seems to be holding” needlers but he is using blades and basically does 3 needlers and F to kill. Just visual glitch.
  • bunch of others, as I will remember them

theres a glitch in space station where a player could just stand on the platform that generates the capture aura and hang in there safely while the payload advances… i don’t realy know how to do so but some people abuse it.
and as for the bomber shooting in base, you can do that if you shoot some strict gap on the floor

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i don’t think you can force this to happen, it just does sometimes

it’s funny though


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We have played for a long time, FRG when they owned the game relied on us to find the bugs not glitches. They are BUGS in the code not glitches as much. Of course we know them, most even use the double-slash bug. Some are unintentional while some are unfair but not game breaking like the RoF glitch. It is our job to know them so we can report them in the forum called “report bugs” it is there for a reason you philistine.

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The reason FRG never banned people for abusing glitches was because they said it was “their fault” the glitches even existed.


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The team did not know about the glitches, Ryan had to show them because he wanted them fixed! Like all of us do! Joseph answered your second point.

Oh the irony, philistine is a person that doesn’t accept and respect others ideas and beliefs.

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