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Talked with glitch before,he even offer me money to tell him code for kicking lel.
he made hack because ‘FFT is p2w’ even when i tried to explain him that FFT is far from p2w game.
but yea,they should check his channel.

Haha nice one… Touché e.e

I have never ever heard of any user called ganothing005, but I’ve heard of anothing055. I pretty much believe he is a_nothing. This user is a very well known fellow that likes to check the Freefall Tournament forum and he has his origins in Kongregate. His posts are also very freeky and creepy at times due to his desilusional behavior, but he is a wonderful and nice person overall who veil for our community with great spirit! :grin:

I’m sorry if my description of said user is not accurate or sufficient, but I hope you could get to know him as well as we do. :slight_smile:

How did you get SS password, who are you? Or are you on new medication that makes you less of a lil beetch XD

You sound exactly like iln.

Pls staph it guys ;-;

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Thanks, m8.
And yes, I am a_nothing.
I am not going to leave FFT and the forums just because they are now in id net.
But ‘’ a disillusioned mind’’ Is too strong, a better adjective would be…
Screw it, its good enough, thanks for saying who I was.

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This is not correct.

There’s nothing pay to win about the game but you can pay to look pretty

“pretty” some of the skins dont look as good as they used to

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By inverting some real money into the game, now, your turn… For what purpose would you like to get slugs? There’s only 1 thing in the game that it’s P2W, and it’s not even super relevant nor necesary.


Peeling snails is less messy on the fingers but slugs dont buy you anything anyhow, apart from skins and requisitions. Neither of which will really turn a game around.

Some skins don’t look as good as a robocop villian stepping out of a toxic waste vat but they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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I would pay to get my own custom skin. Mainly this and this.

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This skin is so nice Slaps

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i want
a blaster nerf.
a med dock.
and some female characters.
that is all!

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Y8 Games