
Main mods can assign the status of Mini Mods to any player with certain progress in the game and they can trust, who can kick in their absence and we can add limitations also so that we wont end up having all 100 players having mini mod status playing the game at certain time lol :slight_smile:

Also make it so that kicking makes the player unable to join the server again until the match ends most the time they just keep spamming join and mods have to spam kick.

Sounds pretty cool.!

Well, this is one of the busiest times of the year. School has just started and so have fall sports. Lol, gip you say you see nox a lot but nox hasnā€™t played in months.

Hey! That sounds pretty good!

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  1. The mods had to make 2 accounts in order to receive modship on the original site. We donā€™t even use alts so Iā€™m not sure who you are talking about.

  2. Of course if we were given the option to promote mods we would pick someone we are familiar with and know how they behave. I know tons of my FFT friends that I would never recommend becoming a mod.

  3. You do realize like all the current mods have been with this game for years? We actually care about the game and the fact that you think they should demod us is surprising. If they fire us, good luck finding a better group of players to replace us.

  4. FFT doesnā€™t own Twitter. If people are spamming (I never noticed this) then report them to Twitter.

Whatā€™s your FreeFall tournament username?


He does have a point though, it could easily become an oligarchy.

but you can try to their friend as simple as that :slight_smile:

lol :slight_smile:

We can test and drop the idea, no hard and fast rule and if you have better suggestions feel free to post.

Boi is gonna piss off Ryan. I dont think it will become an oligarchy, you do realize the number of players that start playing and then become friends with the guys who have been playing for a long time? a_nothing comes to mind along with many others. Plus I think ā€œmini-modsā€ will only ever be needed when the servers are too full for the current online mods to handle or when the mods know they are all going to sleep. They did not give them modship because they paid. They gave it to them because those are the players that FRG saw day in and day out reporting players, making suggestions, and overall trying to make the game a better place everytime they logged in. Do not stereotype this games hierarchy as that of a big business game like CoD

Gjipie of course they will add only people they now, how can they trust someone that they never met. Its just like trusting a stranger while being in the woods by ur self.
PS: Nice prof pic.

This. Plus we never got paid.

I donā€™t think so. Iā€™m pretty sure every mod will discuss who they want to promote. We wonā€™t be just modding everyone left and right.

Hello Guys, please donā€™t go in the wrong direction we all are here because we love the game not we are promoting or demoting someone but working on the solution to make sure we have someone to look after the rooms in the absence of main mods.

and surely even if we go for mini mods there would be certain requirements for that, it wont be like someone join yesterday can be granted the mini mod status.

Or an other idea we can work out maybe a system automatically grant a mod to the oldest and most experienced player online in the absence of main mods.


I was thinking about a single player / cooperative campaign, maybe private matches?
Of course, lets balance things out first.

I am sure all of the current mods will play a LOT more once the game is fixed. Many i think, but i know Ryan stopped playing as much bc he was frustrated that all his and other mods hard work at trying to kick the hackers, it wasnt getting them anywhere. It wasnt making as much of a change as wanted.

Thatā€™s true, but I think the first that come to mind are nic and um. Maybe charl and toad.

You have to consider how active they are in-game also. Nic is barely on. Tbh we should stop talking about mods until the time comes.

Tbh, itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve seen someone from kong that I know playing, so I donā€™t really know how active everyone else is.

Y8 Games