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I also like the idea of being able to reset some things on your account. To be honest, as a player, i don’t think i would bother much grinding above Capt. rank, but that’s just me.
Please do it already. He’s on my back 24/7, someone needs to do the same thing to him.
wow, nice skin concepts…
i’ll list it on my skin list (for future purposes )
Change the guns color similary as the skin color.
everyone avoids me
He doesn’t speak to anyone by the looks of it.
sometimes i get disconnected…
or i stopped monitoring that server/map…
i tend to not chat in game because some of the players don’t know that i’m a mod and i consider it as an advantage for hunting hackers.
He spoke to me once. I still remember it, he said “shhh”.
lol, no problem Genard, i had figured out the reason
Kinda suggested that as some special points in clan, which would allow players to get it as ‘rare’ and special award if they keep winning matches and collecting points.
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If u mean with in game money, that wont happend.
I don’t think they will do anything like that anytime soon until the balance/hacks are fixed. Also i would suggest for them to make items such as skins, perks, etc premium items. I don’t think EVERYTHING should be free for this game. Those things should be able to be purchased with only Credits. If they were to be allowed to be purchased with in-game cash then they should be rented only and not permanent items.
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under cover with the same name as in the forums ? how does that works exactly ? “shhh Ahmed, i’m not here”
Hahahahha. Genard
People do what they have to do. I originally wrote a huge paragraph here but will only write I no longer reply but i still read. I saw something different from you Ryan when I began this journey, but you are doing your best.
Um, what do you mean?