
Haha this is all too sad to witnesses. It seems randomly throwing in mods is their tactic to swindle
us into thinking there’s some progress being made “behind the scenes.”

Mods, what do you guys honestly feel you accomplish? I’m not trying to offend/attack you guys, I just want to know why you show up day after day. What makes you check back on FFT? Try to respond seriously without getting butthurt.

Devs, what do you guys think you’ve improved? What do you think is a work in progress? What are your goals going forward?

[“Body is too similar to another post” fix.]

I think u kinda forgot that all of us started this game as regular players. Even if im not a mod, i would play it. What I do?
I just made list with 150 names, kicking hackers and helping, if I can.
Since u are 100% sure in what u said, why dont u check if there is any progress in game?
Also, this game had a lot of issues, takes time to fix all and find solution.

Talking in my name, others will say their opinion/answer on ur questions.

It worked before!
But now, it’s less effective.
Don’t worry i have a backup plan. :sunglasses:

There’s a decrease on hackers, you can see it if you play the game this past few weeks/days.
hmm our wip are the webgl port and investigating the glitch/xp bug on some map.

I’m so proud of you, keep it up! :slight_smile:

That’s gonna be a long list. Cause 2017 Christmas I want this.


I haven’t been around for the last few weeks. Too many things going on.

Seems like an interesting idea. I don’t see any problem if he wants to do it.

When you guys start designing new classes I think you should delete the cookie skin. It kinda ruins the game’s design and it’s a joke to be honest. If I’m a new user and I join and see a cookie skin in a space themed shooter then I would laugh. It does not fit in with the game at all and it’s dumb.

Also Gunner has the worst skins in the game right now. They were not altered or designed uniquely as the other classes were. I think gunner skins need to be revamped.

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There are a few that are flat out terrible. All of Gunner’s skins come to mind, as well as the Assassin and Bomber skins. Idk, but before they did the update with the graphics switch, Gunner’s skins were so cool, now they’re basically just a recolor.

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Yup. Classes like blazer, tank, and blaster all got different designs. Gunner just got recolors.

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I like a lot the Shango Shocker armor and I think the tech’s default skin is also OK (i like the neon blue stuff). Imo the Anvil tank armor is plain horrible.

In general, the skins are all unrelated to each other. They lack some thematic. In fact, the game in general (skins, stats, abilities) lacks some harmony and symmetry.

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I would love to give feedback on new upcoming FFT class/heroes design. Especially coming up with the names for the skins.

Also make it so that we can tell if we are in EU or US just by pressing tab. Its not that helpful when calling someone to a server and you don’t even know if you are in Eu or US.

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Lol, If i have green ping I’m in US. If I have yellow ping, I’m in EU.

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keep em comin,.
I have a pm for you!

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i literally lol at cookie skin when i saw it the first time.
i thought it shoots cookies, was disappointed.


Yeah it’s probably the worst skin/design I’ve seen in any game I’ve played period.

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You can post your concept of class here if you want.
Here’s an example
Class Name: Destroyer
Chasis: Heavy
Wep1: Grenade Launcher
Wep2: Battle Axe
Bomb: Claymore
Q ability: Emits a shockwave and destroys shield of enemies 100%! OP! lol
E ability: Throws Battleaxe forward and deals damage. (executes an enemy with only 20%< hp, after throwing, wep2 is disable and you need to pickup your wep2 on the ground to be make enable again) cooldown will start after picking up your wep2

this is just an example! :smiley:

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If we’re going to go to new classes a hybrid of assassin and gunner would be great. You guys can add in the the “???” parts and anything else. This is something that came to me on the spot so I didn’t put much thought into it.

Class Name : ???
Chasis : ???
Wep1 : Railgun with poison imbued shots. Hold for a charged shot. Headshots = 5 poison of assassin blades. Body shots = assassins needle shots poison.
Wep2 : Army knife? R gives bleed/poison effect.
Bomb : ???, Same as commandos remote charger but, Bomb that shoots out 3 nets capturing the players for a short time. players can struggle [WASD] to get out of net faster.
Q : Same as gunners Q but goes into prone instead of crouch. Has cloaking effect until you attack.
E :Teleport short distances, press and hold to charge and go farther. Cannot be used while prone.

I think its a good idea to show game mode descriptions when you’re loading the map. Maybe just maybe we’ll end up making the brain dead guests and new players that camp at base reduce there numbers. If that doesn’t work a separate tutorial for each game mode.

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Class name: Jeremie
Chasis: Very heavy
Wep1: Sarcasm
Wep2: Grumpy cat
Bomb: Blackberries
Q ability: Being able to forget things
E ability: Melting hearts with kindness

Y8 Games