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Better than ever, thank you for asking! However… could you please stop going off-topic? You yourself complained about it:

How hard would it be to add some sort of co-op gamemode in FFT? I believe this game is missing some kind of survival mode against NPCs that literally ask to be killed in a huge map with a wave/rounds system that makes enemies harder to kill as the time passes. I take it that this is planned to be a PvP-only game, but if it turns out you could think of a great co-op mode it would certainly be fantastic.

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I do agree with #4. Rank doesn’t mean anything anymore (never did in the first place). I’d be ready to start anew anytime. As for #1, 2 and 3, I wouldn’t complain if your ideas were implemented.

Your /kick idea can be good idea if it’s well programmed. There is surely a way for the server to detect an anomaly (like a too high fire rate or too fast cool downs) automatically.

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Basically everything you said is either wrong, not needed, or not a smart thing to do. No offense but all 5 were pretty bad.

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I am allowed to reply and comment on any post on this forum as long as I am not breaking any rules.

That idea is pretty dumb. People actually played and worked for their ranks, if they randomly put everyone’s ranks to nothing that would be outrageous. For example, my main account Rja12 is a G5 and almost Mar. I would not be very happy If they threw away 3+ years of playing for that rank just because someone suggested it.[quote=“jazzydaddy888, post:341, topic:2062”]
3, I wouldn’t complain if your ideas were implemented.

The classes for the prices are just fine. I don’t see a reason to actually increase them. Players will just complain.

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Freefall arcade… how can you forget?

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Anyone and everyone’s opinion is important, even yours.

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I have not forgotten, but Arcade was kind of meh if you ask me. I believe this team can think of something really amazing for us, I believe in them.

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The prices of classes are based on which criteria? Why is scout less expensive than commando? Some will tell me it depends on the generation of heroes: 1st is 8k (gunner is 4k), 2nd is 12k (besides shocker, 11k), 3rd is 18k. But why is it so? Is it because 1st gen heroes suck more than 3rd ones? No. Is it because of their usefulness? No. It’s only based on their generation. Those generations still have some meaning for us, who have been playing this game forever, but for a new player, there’s no such thing as a generation. For a new player, commando is just as new as scout. So, if all the classes get perfectly balanced (same usefulness, same chances of victory, same skills) in a near future, they should all be of the same price.

(Just to make it very clear: if we can’t find a meaningful criteria, we should put them all to the same price.)

What would be that price? I would like it higher than it is now, as much as 40k (i’m not joking). Why?

  1. It should be an achievement to unlock a class. (Maybe it’s not a very good reason.)

  2. It takes time to earn 40k. Before you buy your first class, you can play with all free classes and make a better choice.

  3. We can switch class too easily during a match. The moment someone plays Shocker, there’s a flock of tanks that pop up. If players are “stuck” with one of the classes they bought or with the free classes they are given, there might be less spam. In some words, it may means a greater diversity globally, but a lesser diversity individually.

  4. Maybe we could rent a class weekly or monthly (see Imnotcrazy post about it).

  5. You could buy classes with real money.

Tbh, i’m not sure i’d like to see this being implemented, but I think it should be done.

The same goes for a ranks reset. I have nothing against the idea of keeping it as it is, but with all those fake marshalls, ranks seem less and less meaningful (when the supply exceeds the demand, prices tend to drop).

You have a main account who is almost G5; you’ve never cheated or anything, and there’s something to be proud about. But then again, we are just a handful to know this. For a new player, G5.rja12 is probably just a guy that spent too much time in a glitched room. What you’ve earned is not only ranks, but skills and reputation. Skills and reputation are the most important imo.

I met Packet the other day. We were talking about the past. Told me he had been the 11th player to be promoted as general in the whole game. Can you imagine how he is pissed to see so many marshalls?

My point is: it’s normal to be emotive about it.

I see 3 solutions:

  1. Do a reset (lots of honest players are pissed).
  2. Do nothing (they still are pissed).
  3. Remove all the xp gained by everyone who has been in a glitched rooms (seems impossible to me).

Edit: what we want < what must be done

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Or anyone who has been caught hacking has their xp etc reset, perhaps even take their classes away.

The 1st Gen classes were always the default classes so they were set at the same price. If they’re adding new classes, of course the hype for those classes will be much higher than the same 4 everyone was playing. Any smart developer would set the price for new classes higher than the old. [quote=“jazzydaddy888, post:348, topic:2062”]
For a new player, commando is just as new as scout. So, if all the classes get perfectly balanced (same usefulness, same chances of victory, same skills) in a near future, they should all be of the same price.

This is true I guess. I guess making all the classes the same price wouldn’t be bad. But reducing the price of the old gen classes would not be fair. People actually played and worked for cash to buy those classes. If they drop the prices dramatically, It would not be fair to the players and It would be a bad business move for the devs. If the prices are low, no one would pay real cash for those classes and in result the devs will lose money.

I’m sorry, but I think that’s ridiculously high. It takes a while to earn even 12-18k. Image 40k…People will be playing for months before they can buy 1 class.[quote=“jazzydaddy888, post:348, topic:2062”]
Maybe we could rent a class weekly or monthly

This is a great idea.

Marshall**[quote=“jazzydaddy888, post:348, topic:2062”]
For a new player, G5.rja12 is probably just a guy that spent too much time in a glitched room.

That is true, but I don’t think this is a valid reason to randomly reset XP of players that have played for months/years. I think cracking down on the players who glitched is a more fair solution. It would be cool if the devs could see which players gained crazy amounts of XP in a short amount of time. [quote=“jazzydaddy888, post:348, topic:2062”]
I met Packet the other day. We were talking about the past. Told me he had been the 11th player to be promoted as general in the whole game. Can you imagine how he is pissed to see so many marshalls?

I was the 3rd General to ever play this game after Rob and Pad. I know how it feels and it does feel like the rank has lost value. But once again, I don’t think EVERYONE should be punished for it.[quote=“jazzydaddy888, post:348, topic:2062”]
Remove all the xp gained by everyone who has been in a glitched rooms (seems impossible to me).

This is what I want to happen. Unless they can track players who have gained large amounts of XP in a short time, then IDK how they will solve this. I doubt they will reset everyone’s XP.

Its a glitch. Many players got it accidently. Im making lists and they are double more then hackers so this is going to be a problem.

I think that ppl should stop complaning about xp/cash. Playing MOBA atm and for 30 mins of match if u win u get 50 cash. Only few heroes costs 2k. Gunner is even free now so stop with it and work for class that u want to get. Game is free to play and u want almost free heroes? Pff.

About female characters i do agree and i think it would be fun to see. Not gonna lie,i even like more female characters then male in games.

The players that got xp by accident dont really bother me too much tbh. The ones that hack though should be strung up and left dangling by their balls.

Agreed with the price of classes, its not that bad as they are. There’s always the option to use real money if you want them quickly.

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Evil is the fruit of rightousness

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This is actually a way of making money for the devs a female skin for like 5-10 slugs/kreds for each class.
And so that people don’t cry maybe a rent function of 20-30k Z for 24hrs.
But I really can’t see the classes becoming females I can only imagine a pink tank with a ribbon…
As for gunner I saw character modals for freefall arcade that looked like females.

I’m pretty sure the devs can see the amount of wins/loss a player got in a day. Otherwise they can’t determine the ELO of the player. So the exp would be reduced accordingly, I guess?

Also for that pink ribbon tank I actually wanna edit a skin for that now xD
And I think I remember something about putting hats into the game.

Found that in the old forum and old topic.

5-10 slugs/creds is too low price. If i remember well, 50 kreds is 5$.

That’s just for people to get the idea and we all know it won’t be that cheap.

Who uses a Tanks to bet a Shocker the better choices is Gunner, Tank have better things to do (not that Tanks are a better class, but there not, all classes will be defeated just as easily as the other) i.e. Gunner runs in to the Shockers drop shield then destroys it with one button press or two, there Shatter Bomb, so now rest of team can massacre the appoints or the gunner after that let the appoints kill you, by this I mean don’t flee not don’t shoot back, to get more shatter bomb or health faster (if the team your in is loosing at this stage).

Not that any other class could do the job.

@Rja12 Thank you for taking the time. My goal is not to win an argument, but to throw ideas. I don’t disagree with you. And yes, 40k is insanely high lol. The idea of renting a class comes from 1mN0tCraZy.

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