
yes if they have real icards :slight_smile:

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who told you ?

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I suggest you appoint few more trusty mods or mini-mods to cover all time zones. Yes the number of havkers have dwindled but lots still abuse gltiches and bugs… especially the ones that cause lag such as the haze bomb glitch.

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So you think the number of hackers have went down?

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Yes, that is what dwindled means


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Did you not read the update thread? It clearly states that they will be implementing webgl which will patch the hacks.


well the other day a tank was using mauler and machine gun simultaneously

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I don’t think anyone mentioned this but reduce the respawn seconds, getting 20 - 39 seconds at respawn would be fine if the 5 second reduction with RP was reduced to a lesser amount like 10 RP.
I mean its only 5 seconds, that’s not worth using 25 RP over, considering how long it needs to generate more RP.

For someone like me who has to capture alone against the entire enemy team all the time, these seconds of respawn are really important.


The respawn system is just fine for me.


It’s dumb how this website shows when you edit/remove a post. That creates a lack of privacy.


Respawn rp should be 20 instead of 25.
25rp is sometimes overkill when the teams are outnumbered. should remove the “(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)”


I know where you’re coming from but we snipe 24/7, think of the people who actually fight at the capture point.

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I think of the people who actually fight at the capture point… I help the team capture the cp. I play other classes if needed.

Ofc if you killed an opponent, you deserve the chance to cap without them stopping you.

What??? If your team killed an OP G1+ tank, he’ll be back on the cap point in less than 10 seconds???


well everyone has their own freedom to play their own class u cant comment about that dude

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Well freedom is abused a lot. Ofc that 4 gunners wont cap or only 1 will try. Support spam was answer to tank/blaster spam and ppl figured its more op then tank ft. blaster.
everytime this game tried to give freedom, players abused it. And its meant to be team based game,not ‘i solo carry 7 other players’ who all go for kills.


Maybe if we could enable the abilities on mouses with more buttons? So being able to adjust our settings to have our mouse use the abilities instead of our keyboard.

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Assign the mouse button to a key, not the other way around. You can have everything on your mouse, if that’s a gaming mouse.


That’s what I meant, but for some reason it doesn’t work, tried with 2 gaming mouses from Razer

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Y8 Games