
You could buy slugs to buy it.

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and I know that I earn money in the game but how do I
not have the fuzzy game

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Probably want a reinstall of flash and unity. Playing on firefox seems to work best also.

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hello the problem is not the firebox and flash just happens that the game appears to me so

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Thereā€™s a kong thread about how to fix this someone find it.
I canā€™t right now cause Iā€™m really busyā€¦

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Let me pass this to our devs to help you with this problem.

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Found the post your talking about.
Thanks for telling. :slight_smile:

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i have a suggestionā€¦because most the hackers are still around ā€¦how about you make some marshals to be admins ā€¦coz clearly mar dont hackā€¦just saying

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Wrong. ELPODER was reported hacking with one of this alts. Heā€™s a Marshal btw.



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after everyone glitched themselves to mar. rank it doesnt mean anything anymore


Duff u are retarded af tbhā€¦

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NEW CLASS PREDATOR some kind of spider robot. Colour scheme is like Predator Assassin, Primary weapon is Some kind of laser, Secondary weapon/Melee weapon claws. I donā€™t know about the abilities but you guys will find out.

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ā€œSpider Robot with clawsā€


I suggest for a spider robot with claws, its attack as the claws as its main with R being a bite that stuns and does large damage. Maybe also have an engage type thing with right button that does a little pounce of about 10 ft. Secondary firing out webs that stick the opponents down for a short time slowing them dramatically but dont damage, stack them for longer duration and even more slowing. No jetpack but can run up walls and ceilings and has a shortish jump. No slide either so you could use shift as a stick to wall button, as a result it would have to run fast, maybe 45-50 mph. E could be a long power jump/pounce. Q a speed boost like scouts and F could be laying spider egg mines, when someone runs over them they hatch and send out a baby spider that bite the opponents until its killed. Prob give them about 50 damage per bite and a health of about 50 also and a speed about 40ā€¦
It should be called charlotte.


ā€œWeā€™re sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to 3 replies in the same topic.ā€

fix this please, i canā€™t post on the Report players thread


Send me a message if you have to report hackers. I can get it to the person handling bans.

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Iā€™m pretty sure my account is a couple months old, why canā€™t I post anymore in the Report topic?

@rja: I wonā€™t message you, because I donā€™t think itā€™s normal to do so. I donā€™t remember all hackers names. I only remember Malupet afkā€™ing (natem would confirm if he cared to read the forums).

EDIT: Thinking of it, iā€™ll simply edit my existent posts.

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Thatā€™s not a good idea. I only check recent post for hackers, I wonā€™t know if you go back and edit an old post. Thatā€™s why I suggested you pmed me if you had to report someoneā€¦

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Y8 Games