
Gjipie calm down pls. It’s just a game, no need to get angry.


Just flag/report and move on. No point in acknowledging someone who is harassing everyone.


(5 characters)

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Wow took people long enough to figure out how to get into the enemy base. And yes the space station bug can be done intentionally. Same with the tank mauler bug still trying to figure it out, already been able to do it twice but haven’t found out what triggers it :confused:

No, I’m not gonna publicly announce how to do them… If the devs want to know how to do them just give me a pm.

Keep it relevant, thanks. Especially in the suggestions/class balance and reports topics.

We already know how to do the tank mauler bug. Where it stun locks, and looks visually horrid.

hi how are you

Yo guys, no hate speech. My ban finger is feeling twitchy, I haven’t used it recently.

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I need help in the game so the game I get that ???

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You need to save up enough Z-cash (8000) to buy it.

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hello osea I buy the game for real money or coins from the game I could explain please

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You earn Z-cash in game simply by winning and playing the game.

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You could buy slugs to buy it.

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and I know that I earn money in the game but how do I
not have the fuzzy game

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Probably want a reinstall of flash and unity. Playing on firefox seems to work best also.

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hello the problem is not the firebox and flash just happens that the game appears to me so

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There’s a kong thread about how to fix this someone find it.
I can’t right now cause I’m really busy…

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Let me pass this to our devs to help you with this problem.

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Found the post your talking about.
Thanks for telling. :slight_smile:

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Y8 Games