Why are even contemplating removing the slide feature? It, at the least, makes FFT enjoyable. At most it separates FFT from other games. I mean, I don’t really play many games, but I don’t think there are many shooter games that allow you to travel at such a lightning speed, while also giving you the ability to maneuver your character. This can be taken both ways and isn’t really cogent enough to be a solid counterargument if the devs were seriously considering removing slide-feature, but I’m assuming they aren’t.
The only reason this “debate” even started is because players want competition. This game isn’t meant to be competitive. If you wan’t competition, ask for a more balanced system, not the removal of an ability that if anything, is the only lasting reason this game isn’t more unbalanced(again, this goes both ways. Tank’s considerably OP due to the fact that it can slide with unmatched velocity, but completely won’t fix this).
TL;DR: The physics for this game is weird, but it’s “”""""""""""“enjoyable.”"""""""""" The devs of this game created this game without any regard to how reality works. This game has always been, more or less, unbalanced since its creation. Always. No, I’m not saying that the damage is irreversible. I’m saying that fixing it won’t be easy. FRG couldn’t do it and he had all the time in the world. There will always be a tweak to the balance system. It’s what the original devs of this game inherited onto us. This, I swear to God, isn’t pessimism. You’ll see.
FRG put no thoughts when adding new maps/heroes/skins or anything that changed raw gameplay, and now the burden’s been shared to you, Ankit. This is like 2008 all over again, and you’re Obama, Ankit; charismatic; young; oh so innocent. Oh how I feel for you.