Hero Balance

Think of the HP of the classes… something like that is the revival of the OP blazer cult.
Just make it so that the bomb can go through shockers aegis in a way that is really useful and rethink those damage numbers…

Also just gonna point out that if slide is removed. Air dominant type classes such as bomber are gonna annihilate most ground units… we would have absolutely no way of running cause of bombers F.

Much more for the inescapable OP Blazer when there’s no slide.
Also got problems with scout and blastor before…

Well, I wanted to share the idea and actually 500 is a low amount for a granade damage. Bringing it down to 200 damage on explosion would help in that regard. The point is tomake a blaze bomb that damage on touch and not only on the ground plus the burn benefits.

What about assassin?

Oh god, I can’t keep up with so many posts.
I never tought that we could get this dedicated.

^ This lol. It’s a lot to keep up with.

Like what problems would it create? I see only good things coming from removing slide.[quote=“InvisibleKiller786, post:57, topic:2090, full:true”]
Literally every hero would become easy target for Um or PIS with no slide. Sliding is fun.

I’m sorry, but you’re dead wrong here. Sliding targets are perhaps the easiest to hit (other than standing still ones). Why? They’re moving in a straight line. When someone is walking they can change directions while when they’re sliding they’re stuck moving in the same way. Unpredictability is harder to hit than speed.

that dosn’t excuse the insane speed from granted from simply pressing the jump button,and there’s also the needle+blade poison issue that i think needs some sort of a fix

bomber might become OP with his/her Q

Why are even contemplating removing the slide feature? It, at the least, makes FFT enjoyable. At most it separates FFT from other games. I mean, I don’t really play many games, but I don’t think there are many shooter games that allow you to travel at such a lightning speed, while also giving you the ability to maneuver your character. This can be taken both ways and isn’t really cogent enough to be a solid counterargument if the devs were seriously considering removing slide-feature, but I’m assuming they aren’t.

The only reason this “debate” even started is because players want competition. This game isn’t meant to be competitive. If you wan’t competition, ask for a more balanced system, not the removal of an ability that if anything, is the only lasting reason this game isn’t more unbalanced(again, this goes both ways. Tank’s considerably OP due to the fact that it can slide with unmatched velocity, but completely won’t fix this).

TL;DR: The physics for this game is weird, but it’s “”""""""""""“enjoyable.”"""""""""" The devs of this game created this game without any regard to how reality works. This game has always been, more or less, unbalanced since its creation. Always. No, I’m not saying that the damage is irreversible. I’m saying that fixing it won’t be easy. FRG couldn’t do it and he had all the time in the world. There will always be a tweak to the balance system. It’s what the original devs of this game inherited onto us. This, I swear to God, isn’t pessimism. You’ll see.

FRG put no thoughts when adding new maps/heroes/skins or anything that changed raw gameplay, and now the burden’s been shared to you, Ankit. This is like 2008 all over again, and you’re Obama, Ankit; charismatic; young; oh so innocent. Oh how I feel for you.

Jesus Christ. What the fuck happened to some of my text. It seems to have not registered… Ankit, feel free to remove the post above.

Why are even contemplating removing the slide feature? It, at the
least, makes FFT enjoyable. At most it separates FFT from other games. I
mean, I don’t really play many games, but I don’t think there are many
shooter games that allow you to travel at such a lightning speed, while
also giving you the ability to maneuver your character. This can be
taken both ways and isn’t really cogent enough to be a solid
counterargument if the devs were seriously considering removing
slide-feature, but I’m assuming they aren’t.

The only reason this “debate” even started is because players want
competition. This game isn’t meant to be competitive. If you wan’t
competition, ask for a more balanced system, not the removal of an
ability that if anything, is the only lasting reason this game isn’t
more unbalanced(again, this goes both ways. Tank’s considerably OP due
to the fact that it can slide with unmatched velocity, but completely removing the slide ability
won’t fix this).

TL;DR: The physics for this game is weird, but it’s
“”""""""""""“enjoyable.”"""""""""" The devs of this game created this
game without any regard to how reality works. This game has always been,
more or less, unbalanced since its creation. Always. No, I’m not
saying that the damage is irreversible. I’m saying that fixing it won’t
be easy. FRG couldn’t do it and he had all the time in the world. There
will always be a tweak to the balance system. It’s what the original
devs of this game inherited onto us. This, I swear to God, isn’t
pessimism. You’ll see.

What a fantastic website this is; you can download your posts, but not delete them.

You can edit and delete, I have no idea what you are talking about…

Ok. Removing slide is what I think should be done, but I guess a major nerf is fine too.

Poll for you guys, please vote http://www.strawpoll.me/11299717

Just curious cause it seems Beli (and some other people maybe?) thinks Blaster is stronger than Tank. Personally I think Blaster is only slightly unbalanced after the last patch.

I don’t think anyone can convince me that blaster is less OP than tank.

  1. Great speed and agility
  2. Can go high and hover over bomber to kill it.
  3. Extremely OP bombs.
  4. Missiles have OP damage and knockbacks
  5. Easy to slide abuse with. Makes it easier for them to keep up with fast classes.
  6. Mini-gun range was buffed and extremely OP now.

All of that applies to Tank, but Tank still has some many other strong points that make it not only better than Blaster but the most OP hero in this game at this moment.


blaster is OP,but you could atleast KILL it at some point…a tank might as well never even die
but it realy dosnt matter which is worse,they both deserve a massive nerf


Personally i think the fire power of both tank and blaster is fine but their mobility is massively OP, especially tank with its rediculous outrun everything on the map except lightspeed. Also the bubble lasts too long and recharges too quick. Buckler covers too much area, even shooting from the side doesn’t get through. Shocker domes are a pain in the ass to take down if theres 2 or more then you may as well leave the game there and then unless youre willing to go full spamtard with the heavies. Basically tanks and shockers pretty much shut down the game for most other classes. Most other balancing issues have been covered by others i think but these are the 2 most important classes to sort out.

I looked at Toad’s poll and I guess more people think Tank is more OP. What key things make tank more OP than blaster? I have an idea but can someone answer?

Its speed along with massive survivability (invincibility if theyre a runner) And it has loadsa stuns. and can literally just sit on point with buckler up for the win quite often. Literally impossible to kill a decent tank if they run as they can just use bubble as a kdr saver bailout at the last second even mid catalyze

But tank classes for any game with shields features are never easy to kill.

Agreed but they cant usually chase virtually anything down. I dont have any problem with their damage output or even their survivability (not including bubble) but their ability to roam at silly speed is rediculous and only adds to their survivability even more cos they can always get to health before death

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