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why mark out the names


It is I, the ā€œpropheticalā€ Typo King has returned, tho idk if Iā€™m going to stay.

Sorry if Iā€™m late to the party but when did FFT make its way onto Steam (I probably seen this some where be for but never jumped over to the forum till now), looking back on my memories of the game be for the owner transfer and as is now and after said transfer I can see its web version is still a little off from its old self but its getting there and after a quick replaying on the game shows that it runs better and no longer auto locks onto the outer corners of the shuttle bay map, and I can actually move now with out the mouses spazzing out of control or the camera shaking as if the hole map is suffering from an Earthquake, tho scrolling to switch weapons still messes with the camera.

All in all to sum up, the web version stills falls short of its origins still in my eyes so Iā€™m asking as I have not played the steam version yet is it saving the franchise or are my hopes to high?

Also does anyone here still remember me @Ankit @Nox @Belisaurius11 @Blade47 @Gjipie @cyborg1 @UM_a @Genard & @Rja12 I see your still some what active in the forum, Notice me senpai! Sorry if I missed anyone I somewhat know, if anyone still cares as I can only fit 10. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ and @WhiteXhadow I canā€™t remember if we had a chat or not but your a in-game mod (I think) so keep up the good work. I still have not transferred my Kong account to here xD and my ign here is for some reason still my emailā€¦ so if I could get some info on how to change it then I would transfer my Kong data over here as then it wouldnā€™t have a stupid username. Thanks to anyone who reads this and sorry for taking up your time.

Hello @Robo11500 , Welcome back! Howā€™ve you been , FFT is on Steam now yes , Itā€™s pretty much the same(same heroes , maps) except it doesnā€™t lag and the ping is fixed , Also LFT+ rooms are back.Yes I still remember you :slight_smile:. Btw, are you on Discord?

You can change your ign and also transfer your Kong account , PM @insanehero


They said keep secret our id.


oh ok


Because of this reason, itā€™s on Steam. Sadly, web with heavy games canā€™t work since PC mem (regardless of how good/bad ur PC is) is way better/higher than browser one.

Yes, Iā€™m still working here so thatā€™s why Iā€™m active here and there. Welcome back!


Iā€™ve been grate, getting paid money to look for jobs is nice xD, Could you elaborate more on LFT+rooms i.e. what did LFT mean again and witch rooms Iā€™m a little lost here? And yes Iā€™m on Discord got a channel you wanted to pm me?

Sorry if that came out a little to harsh on the progress madeā€¦

That last little snippet was aimed more at Rja12 then everyone but its nice to see you Dea83


Hi @Robo11500,

I will send you a private message so we can discuss your account transfer issues.
But first please try to follow the instructions on the account transfer page - it works for 95% of accounts!



Heh ok

I mean Lft+ and Sgt+ rooms were removed before , theyā€™re added again . Lieutenant = Lft[quote=ā€œRobo11500, post:1844, topic:2753ā€]
And yes Iā€™m on Discord got a channel you wanted to pm me?

Yea Iā€™ll PM you


Rank locked rooms, where guests canā€™t enter.




Is it possible for tank itself to be bugged?

Another player named G5 Razagan or something like, complained about my tanking, saying I was bugging it. I have a 0 tolerance for cheating, and if thatā€™s the case I probably wonā€™t use tank anymore.
Later on, I was told by a player named Zunder, that using hmg is bugged, so that it appears that I have the buckler up.

Is it that the people are just frustrated that Iā€™m pwning them with tank?
And these are just graphical bugs like when scout is holding a sword but shooting a gun?

Itā€™s not just tank, the display bug happens with every class but only impacts gameplay heavily on tank since your buckler will not work when using mauler but target-locking with HMG will make it show up on your opponents screen.

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What a weird bug :confused: Rail is AR and Saber is Smg etc.
So, it doesnā€™t actually give me an advantage though, even though itā€™s appearing like the buckler is out?

Hereā€™s what I know about this:
Yes, the graphical bug on tank impacts gameplay unlikely any other graphical bug. However, I believe that this appears different to different people. Razengan has commented on people bugging tank a lot to me, however I myself have never seen the bug, of course Iā€™m sure it exists, but to some people itā€™ll appear normal, to others, itā€™ll appear bugged.

My second theory- Ping will affect whether it looks normal or not. I believe this is the case for the undead bug as well. Some people will see it normally, some will see a corpse. Razengan has always had a high ping, in the 300s or more.

All the people razengan has complained about bugging tank have green pings (Dino has always had a green ping, in the 60s for an example).

Actually, it does give you an advantage. Youā€™ll deflect damage from the shield while also being able to see HMG. The opposite exists too, when someone is using mauler buckler, Iā€™ll see the HMG and be able to basically shoot through the shield.



Well, Tanks out for a new main then lolā€¦for now.
Shocker seems to be doing ok, itā€™s got some problems but nothing quite that bad.

Rail is not ok. Saber is not ok. Wrong weapon display is bug that appears often.

Does the damage/advantages change on any of the classes when this bug happens?

Y8 Games