[Finished] $10,000 Y8 and id.net 1 Week Game Developer Contest!

Thanks everybody for your submissions. We are excited to play the creative games that were entered into the contest. During this time, your games will be shown to players on Y8 and the contest judges. The original post and the contest page have been updated with the date of when the winners will be announced.

Keep in mind that this is our first contest and we will likley do even bigger ones to push more developer creativity. We look forward to building better connections with game developers. We hope everyone here will garner some success from reward money, sponsorships, advertisements, knowledge, and new connections.

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Well, anyway what about full list of contest games links?:slight_smile:

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+1 for games list, very very interesting :smiley: )

It’s coming :slight_smile: We want to do it fair way : pushing live all contest games at once that’s why it might take a few more hours.

Contest closed :slight_smile: There will be list of games for sure.

Thank you all for participating and supporting our very first, ID Contest! :smiley: Good luck to all games!

Hi I sent an email to idnet [at] webgroup-limited.com last night with my webgl and unity versions of my game, I’m just wondering if it was actually accpeted? (this was before the midnight deadline)

Ahhh, the day after the game contest… The day you find out about all the little things that went wrong :smiley:
Here’s our entry: http://ticklebot.net/theTimeIsBroken/
Good luck to everyone!

@ticklebot Looks cool!

ours was this one:
(Unity Webplayer) http://yetikatt.com/online-games/LayOff/WebPlayer/
(WebGL) http://yetikatt.com/online-games/LayOff/

And good luck people :smile:

This was hilarious! :smiley: Really charming and cute :slight_smile:

@ticklebot Thanks! I loved what you’ve done with time, was that using the Flixel engines recording feature? I found the key is to try to shuffle around before you get a paradox stop clock thing :smile: Lovely mechanic

I didn’t use the Flixel recording feature. I wrote the code myself. There’s nothing really fancy about it. It basically stores player’s X & Y position and current animation frame in an array for 1 second. Then it just ping-pongs through the array.
Yes, you can control the behavior or your clones, so key is to think ahead and move to places that aren’t going to block you later :slight_smile:
I’m glad you liked it!

Can you say the number of submited games?:wink:

Have they been posted yet? I only get an empty page in the Y8 games contest page at the moment, I was wondering if it was just me?

Just noticed the games have popped up and ours wasn’t on there :frowning: guess we’re not in the comp?

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Game adde one by one, our just added. Hope yours one will be added soon.

Yes, submitted games are still processing/updating for fixes, so hopefully we’ll publish all around 40 games today. Oops :smile:

Oh Okay cool, after I read you were releasing them all at once, I assumed ours just hadn’t made it through.

By the way : We will have studio/dev pages on Y8/IDnet soon. Your games will be tagged with your studio name which will be much clearer for next contest :smile_cat:

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Wow, lots of great entries… awesome work everyone!

I noticed that my game(Zombie Jesus’ Egg Grab) doesn’t have a video preview that plays on the thumbnail when you mouseover it… Is this something you’re still processing for some games or what? If needed, I can record my own video… Just let me know what dimensions/length/etc you’d need. Thanks.

Edit: Another question: What’s the button that says “Show IDnet game contest 2016 games only (35)” filtering? There are 4 games that are removed from the list when I click it… Are these games not part of the contest?

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Btw, my “Timeless Hero” also doesn’t have video preview((

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Y8 Games