what’s the email to submit our games? is it idnet [at] webgroup-limited.com ?
yes but if you have flash game you should upload here http://static.y8.com/upload just mark the check box “Submission for Game Contest 2016”
The last day is here! As of now, there are 13 hours left… Hurry up and submit your game, and grab the chance to grab some of the $10,000 pool prize!!
Good luck to all!!
easiest way to type the url
http://www.y8.com/games/mutant_fighting_cup_2 like in this game just replace the game name.
let me know if it works or you can pm me your game name.
Thank you, it is works.
Hey, id.net guys! Did you change something today in your server-side api? At the morning all was great - auto-login, achievements and scores worked fine. But now api doesn’t work at all. For me, all games from y8-portal looks like they don’t correctly work with id.net-api. Auto-login, login e.t.c. don’t work. I think it depends on country where I test it. My friend from another country said that all is working (and my contest-game too).
Hi lampogolovii, Everything seems to be working as expected from my testing. It could be related to internet connection problems on your end. You could check if anything has changed with your internet or browser. Otherwise, it will likley resolve itself over time.
Done! Now going have some rest
I’ve tried several browsers - the problem appears in everyone.
I think it’s some kind of my bad karma(((((((((
This error commonly happens when a game is ‘closed’ in a development environment or navigated away from on a page while the id.net SDK is downloading. The solution in that case is to wait and allow the download to finished. I suspect there is an outage with your ISP or local network, if this is happening for all games.
Yeah, it’s good to take care of that link in the app settings page if possible. It’s used for displaying games on apps.id.net. If you know where the game is hosted on Y8, you can use that for the link. Or your personal site works as well. We will try to update links for games that are emailed. The email you posted is the correct one.
Done and done and sent… I didn’t get to test the Idnet.I.Protection in your API on your site (using Unity), but I’m assuming it works. Otherwise, my game will just be a message telling the player to got to Y8.com…with some funky music playing in the background.
Great to see your game is submitted.
Just for future reference in unity sdk,in order to test blacklist protection api hardcodidly,you can replace “if(Idnet.I.IsBlacklisted)” in Idnet.I.Protection with “if( ! Idnet.I.IsBlacklisted)” (reverse testing) and it should show backlisted scene everywhere.
For Sponsor in protection api,yeah you need to wait until game is uploaded on y8 network
Alternatively, http://upload.id.net supports testing unity3d files now. There’s a small problem with sizing but it should still work for testing.
Hi, I’m using the advancedScoreSubmitList API and the previous scores doesn’t seem to be taken into account.
I set highest = true and allowDuplicates = false.
When the popup shows, it says personal best 440 but just before I did a score of 1400…
Am i doing something wrong ?
- i’m using the as3 api
Hi NoRabbit, I see what you mean. This is a wording issue on our end. I will get this fixed today. No changes will be needed on your end most likley. Thanks for spotting this.
Ok thanks.
Also I only see the “personal best” text. I don’t see my score in the list. Is that normal as well ?
Hmm that’s not normal. On submitList, it sends the score and then loads the list afterwards, it should show there. Does the score show if closing and reopening the scores?
Gyus, can you disable ads on contest game pages for brtter performance ? Some ads take too much processor resource and games with fps bigger than 30 have some lags. Thanks.