The Future of Freefall Tournament

Servers are messed up. Was there in same time as PIS,even talked with him about it.

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Thankfully no server issues for me.

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Haha :'c

As when you started to play one year ago and donā€™t have idea how is the game without hackers and servers lag!.

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Weā€™re investigating the ping issues.

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News on updates against the cheaters?

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Max ,Hackers just have some more time then all of their hacks and all the progress will be wastedā€¦ :slight_smile:

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With webgl it should be patched.

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Iā€™m confident

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The new version or so called ā€œBetaā€ version of the game.
Powered by Unit WebGL - Game name - FreeFall Tournament Alpha.
Sites on which the game Is playable -
This is for those who havenā€™t figured that this is out there yet/Those who would like to know once more.

WebGL almost made the game unplayable.

Even though it is underwork,Its way too laggy to step a foot.

Played a match at SB,one of the most boring ones.

Pros : Old shield system,Old SB
Although the old SB right now looks worse than the one we have right now.

Even if you have a ID/Y8 account,you will be logged as a guest.
Name shown :
Guest 974.,(any 3 numbers)
Class wise :

All heros are unlocked.

Classes have some/all skins unlocked aswell.

Gunner - No skins.
Scout - Skin unlocked
Tank - Skin Unlocked.
Tech - No skin.
Blazer - No skin.
Assassin - No skin.
Blaster - Odin Skin.
Shocker - No skin.
Bomber & Commando - Skins Unlocked.
For now this is all I know.
Some of you might already know this.Most mods should by now or die-hard fans of the game.
Thank you.


Gentlemen administrators I play again after time with my real account but I see that it is G4 ā€¦ and I was col would like a rank low until Col. thanks
One day I would be useful this account ā€¦: I

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Your original rank was Colonel, but when you logged on it was G4.

Your account mustā€™ve been glitched while the glitch fest of high ranked accounts was still going on.

Nothing to be worried about, If any of the mods or devs doesnā€™t see this Iā€™ll let them know about your account.

The devs will take care of this right away, thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

What was your account username?

Thanks for the report, weā€™ll look into it.

Thank you at least I read my message: p ā€¦ I hope my rank low because until today still the same
Ah yes and my username is TheGoldoPankeka :slight_smile:

And if it will not be much trouble as I can log out I give it and it just sounds ā€¦ there is not the option to change account is that I had a Cpt: P

Hi @thegoldopankeka, I have reset your account to low Colonel as requested.
Sorry that it took a few days - I have been away on vacation and just got back :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. :smile:

gordo rosquete todo el mundo sabe q eres PVT, eres un glitcher

Glitch happens by accident.

I made the name best hacker cuz idk anything name xD

Y8 Games