
I’m saying a downloadable .exe file would be a ton better for the game than WebGL. WebGL is super laggy and the mechanics are very bad. I’ve been told it’s not that hard to transfer the game from Unity Webplayer to a .exe file. It would be essentially the same game as before except as a download and no Webplayer.

It would make it without lag,but for that also better servers (aka more expensive).
Webgl in general is not made for big games like FFT is. Not a devs fault,webgl is made like that.

If they brought FFT then they should see the value in it and invest in better servers if that was the case. It’s not entirely the devs fault, but they knew the risk of using it and they chose it so…

Well depends really. U can sorta watch it from few different perspectives.

  1. It would be better as downloadable version, also way more risky one. Making it on steam is questionable because of investing/budget.
  2. Webgl gonna earn however u turn.
  3. FRG spent years on making FFT and yet they didn’t want to pay extra for daily data save.
  4. Also FFT was still earning with cheaper servers.

Now, thats some logical thinking, not what I would like to see. If u ask me, I would go for older player base, steam, making events/more competitive/tones of cosmetics and push FFT in direction what FRG sorta had in mind but never been able to do. Looking at FFT as game itself, mechanics and rest is making me think how it should not be as free browser game at all and how it’s not made for really young population since it’s not some short period game, ‘just to play for 15 mins and log off’.

Well , there are many players demanding for this hero . A new hero should be coming in to the game . Well the name should be Archer or artillery or something and the new hero should have a bow and arrows , this would be the primary weapon , just like Assault rifle . the secondary weapon should be a long shot bow (basically , a bow which can shoot only one arrow at a time {just like rail gun } but it should take a bit time to charge and then shoot ) which deals a bit more damage than rail gun . Please the new hero should be like this. Many people are demanding for it ( as u can see a guy made a thread on it ) so please , this hero should be introduced . I would love it :smile: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart:

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Webgl is using AWS servers (Amazon) one of the best around.[quote=“Rja12, post:1003, topic:2062”]
If they brought FFT then they should see the value in it and invest in better servers if that was the case

its just about time, webgl is the new technology and it will take time to mature everything is moving good but slowly. and we are really hopeful from unity 5.6 which should also fix unet issue which is causing most of the lag. and webplayer is the technology of 2006 which was 6 years older when you played FFT for the first time and webgl still just a year or so, no point comparing.[quote=“deaaa0803, post:1004, topic:2062”]
It would be better as downloadable version, also way more risky one. Making it on steam is questionable because of investing/budget.

We never say no to a downloading version but yes its not in our current plans for next 6 months, we’ll first focus on mobile build after that we might go steam but all depends on lot of different factors.

Mobile build?

Slow progress is lasting progress.

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Android and iOS.

freefall tournament ?

Would that mean the game would be how it is now or like how it was in the arcade version of the game?

tbh in 3 years @Rja12 WebGL will either be old news or the next unity that is used by everything, proly even less than 3 years with technology. specially software.

FFT in mobile and IOS? That’ll be interesting.

and will it will be easy to hack (Slugs and zcash) :rolling_eyes:

I can’t imagine myself playing FFT on my IPhone… It just doesn’t look possible.

Btw it is posible if GTA.Sa , GTA Vc, Taken series is possible :blush:

Dont you know FFT was build for mobile in mind, if I remember my discussion with FRG in 2014. check this out.

Thinking the same tbh.
On mobile, I think there should be no slide for some reasons, in exchange, lock-on target is weaker (Like in respawnables).
…Like 90% of the stuffs on FFT web should be different on mobile version.

as i said it is possibile

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