Thank you for letting me know. Well, that’s sad
@Rja12 you look like a very classy wolf with that new avatar lol
Rja in 1 year from now:
Thank you for letting me know. Well, that’s sad
@Rja12 you look like a very classy wolf with that new avatar lol
Rja in 1 year from now:
its not as bad as kong’s tho…
Thanks for the suggestion Jazzy, we might make changes one day but for now I would prefer to keep it simple because its easy for us to track.[quote=“Rja12, post:977, topic:2062, full:true”]
He means creating a general thread and linking all the guides in that thread.
Maybe you can start one Rja and lock it.
Sounds like a pretty good idea tbh.
Like rja said [quote=“Rja12, post:980, topic:2062, full:true”]
That actually looks awesome.
Being the best of the worst doesn’t make it good either.
FFT should make a new big map then Training Arena map like Space Ship,Earth Space Station or can go to other planet…i hope…
I would like to see a koth map on mars.
I want a map like 10x bigger than TA …
I miss playing RC2 where maps are like 3-20x bigger than FFTs
How about space ship like the one on Star Trek
i can barely find anyone on TA even when the map is full which it rarely ever is
Since rooms are not 8v8 anymore,making a big map is simple useless. U would chase one person 5 mins.
My suggestion:
Make FFT a downloadable game.
WebGL sucks, I don’t think there’s really any debate about it. Not only is it super glitchy, but the mechanics and lag on it are horrible as well. I’m not trying to tear down your hard work, but imo it’s not really worth the time to convert from Unity Webplayer to Unity WebGL. If you’re gonna go through all the hard work, you may as well put the game into a playable format. Making it a downloadable .exe file would make the game a lot more enjoyable for players, and give the game a better chance at generating revenue. I highly doubt someone is gonna spend any amount of money on a game that lags 24/7 and has crappy mechanics. There are plenty of free games out there that are decent, why would someone spend time on a laggy gameplay? I honestly feel that the best way to give this game a chance to succeed is to convert it to a downloadable .exe file instead of WebGL.
Don’t listen to him
I would like it also as downloadable game.
The only problem is it’s easy to hack these.
Steam? jk
And WebGL is gonna be different? Realistically speaking, anything is hackable. No matter what you do it is gonna get hacked, that’s why you need a developer who’s up on the game and will be patching the hacks.
Exactly, just because something is easy to hack that doesn’t mean you should just run from the idea. That’s why developers exists, to patch the hacks and any other problems whenever they occur.
So they’re wasting their time on this? At some pont I support Beli, but tell me @Belisaurius11 if they make the game downloadable the lag will go or you think making the game downloadable would make it a little bit playable?
If so then I support you with this, but if it isnt like what i said then theres no point in making it downloadable.
I understood something from what Beli said, he wants to run the game just fun so he can enjoy it, so are we, but if making the game downloadable wouldnt make it less laggier than now, then its pointless.