
What do you guys think about keeping the HP of the class the same when you change classes in base? We all know when you change a class in base you get a fresh new set of health/skills. Some players do it to actually switch, but a large amount of people do it to take advantage of new health. I don’t think it’s fair for someone to keep constantly going in base and switching classes back to back to refresh their health. I never kick them for it because technically they’re not refreshing, they’re changing classes. Anyways let’s say I’m a tank and I have 1,630 left and I switch to blaster. When I switch to blaster the health should stay at 1,630 along with the same amount of bombs. That way people won’t be abusing this technique of switching classes for a quick refresh.

The same applies to all classes. If I switch from Blaster to scout, they don’t have the same HP but the same ratio can be applied. It’s just simple math. Anyways am I going overboard with this idea or does anyone agree?


I’d be for it

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Or they could simply implement that a person cannot change classes while in combat. The definition of combat would be in the realm of actively using an ability or your weapon and taking damage and the “in-combat” affect would not wear off until 6 seconds of none of these things being “activated” for lack of a batter term. This is very common in many other games. It will make ‘refreshing’ not as effective because the person can still be killed by burns/poison. Which is when we usually get angry at them. 6 seconds is enough for them to grab health so why wouldnt they grab it. Yea it can still be abused but only by those short of logic and brain cells. I realize the grenade refill will still happen but you cannot have cake and eat it too.

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You can if you sit at the end of a conveyor belt at Mr Kiplings

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  • It would be not good when people refresh to get back QEF and HP during duels. But otherwise it could be best solution for refreshing abusers.
  • How about making all maps like TA, where you have to die and then can only change heroes?
  • Also for the “same ratio” thing. Every hero give or take has different amount of HP available, so yeah
  • What if the tank is poisoned or burning and then they switch to something with less HP, would they still have the same amount of poison of fire stacks? Same goes for headshots lol, I would guess.
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The same for forced fields may need to be done, so there will be not one good thing from changing Heroes other than switching class.

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This seems minor, but how about letting us be able to copy and paste? We currently can’t do that in FFT and it gets annoying sometimes.

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^Best suggestions in terms of making the game great!

  • Especially, the daily login and rewards. Some of the other games I play help keep people coming back to the game because of this.
  • Medals/Achievements (suggestions):
    /=/ Getting top of the leader-board first time… and then for 5 times. Then 10 times. Depending on how far you want to keep on going.
    /=/ Buying all heroes/classes
    /=/ Killing a Marshall? (lol)
    I have tons of ideas for achievements!! @ devs, PM me if you want ideas.

Already in the webgl :slight_smile:

Surely we gonna add it :slight_smile:

I’ll add it in the Todo

Yes we have more servers in webgl locations of new servers

ok. lets discuss about them.


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yes can be done in later updates.

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Ah, I can finally see my ping green again :-: so happy.

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I’ll add it in the Todo

how did this happen ;-;

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Haha are u playing spiral knights in any case? :smiley:

I suggested clans and i think it would be more team based then then individual as it is now. Maybe there would be some weekly or monthly fee where playes from clan pay for keeping clan alive. If they can’t, clan is shutting down.
I would add on it special points and as example, u and ur clan got 500 wins - u are able to buy with points idk, silver gun or some skin for hero that u picked. Also liderboards for clans would be nice to see. Players can progress better in clans and learn things as someone who started game.


Thank God Asiaa!!! :smiley:

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I miss the times where the three of us+Panda and other FFT ppls playing SK.

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haha andrea and panda tried to teach it to me but i didn’t like it so much :c

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You didn’t miss much, no worries lol

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Y8 Games