Report Players!

We can check the IP and once we start transferring all accounts to idnet, one can only use one account per idnet account we can add 2nd authentication if it really needed. so dont worry about anything for now.


You can check IP, that’s great. Now hackers won’t be able to just spam new accounts :slight_smile:


You guys are getting this way too far and allow me to say that if you don’t understand yet how the moderators handle the reports then let me tell you. However, keep in mind that we, the moderators, are normal players, volunteers that just want to make the game better and are always willing to do our very best in order to reach such goal. And this last part does not only apply to the moderators, it does to every single player of this or any other game.

Now, regarding the issue with “how” we handle the reports… If a report pops up from nowhere and indicts a very well known hacker (ie. Telekkos) you can get a mod to confirm that X person has been hacking, and the report will be trustworthy enough since a mod confirmed it. You can even support your claims with evidence so you won’t need a moderator to confirm it.

Now, moderators don’t confirm reports unless we are sure of the facts, we certainly don’t confirm reports for the lols, we do it because we have knowledge of the situation and if that player have hacked (or done something bad) in the past. Beli, for example, has confirmed some reports but he has never confirmed a report of a player that he didn’t know anything about, even I have confirmed some reports but I have skipped some because I didn’t even know who was the guy that was been reported in the first place.

This does not only happen in the forum, we do this in-game too. A lot of you have said that if X ammount of people is calling for a mod to kick a certain player, you can not expect said mod to kick the player until the mod has checked if the player is actually breaking any rule. There are many cases where people joke about kicking players, ask to kick innocent players and even indict innocent players just because they don’t get along very well, and they end lying in order to get that person kicked. So all I’m asking for is for you guys to show some patience, your report IS being checked, but you can’t expect it to be something automatic like if we were some sort of machines.

And last but not least, I want to make clear one thing: I am not writing down this post to defend mods or accuse players from being impatient, that’s not it. I am just explaining to you why things are the way they are and how to accurately deal with this daily situations you might encounter both in the forum and in-game, and also to clear the suspicions of mods confirming random reports just because “feel like it”.

Do not forget that your reports are very appreciated, just please understand the situation everyone is in. <3


Tarik like every time lol.

I really want to stress this. Sometimes people will get mad cause I don’t kick the person right away that they asked me to come and kick. A lot of the times it can be hard to locate the hacker, especially if it’s a big map like TA or SS.


How will being able to check IPs stop banevaders?

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Changing IPs isn’t hard.

Just select a handful few who you trust will actually establish these orders and ban hackers.

At this point I don’t think anyone that hacks deserves a devils advocate. I think they don’t deserve anything but a ban of some sort.
Don’t show sympathy. Don’t give second chances. Just show em hell.

&make me mod pls kthx

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Who are you? But I do agree that there is no point in giving 3 days bans, etc. I would say shoot for permanent bans. They know what they’re doing wrong, they shouldn’t be given any sympathy.


G.5 Masterking using rapidfire hack with scout on TA, just awhile ago.

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lft.ironman111’s hacking

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If you’re referring to @breviresurrection13 then you should know better than anyone else that he’s 13/anjum.

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can someone confirm if this guy is hacking…
gone 20-0 using assasin, can hit me while i can’t see him
also, can 5v1 in capturepoint area, note that he got 300 ping too

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Owenmastercamper has a bad interner, that’s all. He is not hacking.

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wow so he’s really good then

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I understand your concern but if we just ban them without any 2nd chance they could never play a game again which is also not good for a game. also today its very easy to hack the game even most of the non technical player can hack it for fun but once we create good antihack plugin, those hackers might turn into a real player.


Ankit: can you clarify whether what was captured on my screens was hacking or not (the aegis spamming thing)?

G2.Malupet, afker in Moonbase 24/7.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

That is true, but right now they are working on the game.[quote=“Gjipie, post:102, topic:2058”]
Even in real life they even give Armed robbers a warn etc when the police arrest them and you’re here talking shit … how you even got Moderator ?

Lol, I mean, if you kill someone in the US they don’t give you a warning, you get thrown in jail.[quote=“Gjipie, post:102, topic:2058”]
how you even got Moderator ?

He’s been one of the most outstanding and loyal people on the game. Sure, he says dumb things sometimes (not often though) and he does disagree with people but for the most part he has always been a model player.[quote=“Gjipie, post:102, topic:2058”]
You (Mods) always saying you care for the game but ever since i started reading your comments always saying something which isn’t good and will make the game collapse in the future.

Like what? Please give an example.

Endergamer789 hacking.
jesus hacking.

  1. I understand if you don’t agree with me, but I would appreciate it if you would not personally attack me just because you disagree. That’s like the 5th time.

  2. Everyone has different mindsets, you won’t always agree with what I say and I won’t always agree with what you say.

  3. Just because I say something that doesn’t mean it’s actually going to happen. I said I preferred perm bans but Ankit said he would rather give chances. That’s why they’re more than one mod or game admins. Collectively we all could figure out what’s best for the game.

  4. People might quit but this game will always have a large amount of players here. This game has a very loyal fanbase.

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