Report Players!

And you’re wrong, a hacker is not 40% more power. A hacker gets to be more than 200% strength.

You’ve been breaking the rules for a while now. I kicked you 4 times yesterday for refreshing. You don’t even try to sneak either, you do it blatantly in front of me or if I’m using blazer I watch you with my optics. Please stop breaking the rules.

As I said, a long time that no hacker use to fight other hacker, and also I’m not playing very precisely because it is having very hackes. And his talk of argument I’m using hacker is flawed.

I know which is why i said youre sneaky about it cos you dont hold fire down you still aim your rail gun so it doesnt show up as easy but you effectively have no cool down between shots. Dont try to blag me mate, ive played this game enough to tell that when someone is throwing out aimed rail shots at a much higher rate than simply holding the button down then it has to be hacks.

  • AndersonMP is a long time blaster/tank spamming refresher. Don’t recall him hacking…but definitely an annoying refresher.
  • alexmax8 or alexmax4 hacking
  • ironman111 hacking

Long tank that do not play more with the tank and blaster, because today I am more professional. I’m playing a lot with Gunner, Scout, Assassin and Commando

PIS has some good footage of your scout work

xxchristoph3rxx the same hacks as always

Is there any kind of time frame as to when hackers will be banned. at this point it still seems kinda pointless mentioning hackers names at all.

I believe they will be either banning players or demoting them.

Are they messaging you? o.0 Tell us! lel okay Ryan.

Good news everyone. We will officially start the banning process now, so everyone can start reporting. Also guys please start providing proof with your reports. Ahmed has done a great job with his videos. If you cannot download a video program, then try to gather nice and organized screenshots proving the player is breaking a rule. Or try to get other players to confirm the report. Thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t quite remember saying you were a hacker? I remember kicking you and reporting you for refreshing but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hack. Idk I might be wrong my brain has been on overload lately.

Ive seen him hack though, pis has video of him hacking and i think i remember andrea saying she saw him hack a while ago too so he’s full of shit anyhow.

As I said in the comments above, I’ve used hacker to bombater other hacker, only that. But I no longer use hacker, long time. Why would I often buy SLUGS to be using hacker?

Who uses hakcer does not need to be buying SLUGS, is not it?

I found another hacker. Sgm (rank) and name is: xneymarx

I will just give names for hackers, I don’t have time to go through the proof process.
Take my word for it.

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Update list

AkoO / Cheater
TKKiller / Cheater
Zanark-23 / Cheater
Dory / Cheater
saba.gamgebeli / Cheater
gerolXXD / Cheater
LIFRANK / Cheater

I confirm lifranck as a hacker

Y8 Games