Report Players!

Obviously if it’s some random alt with no post count confirming the hacker, then it won’t be considered. If it’s a well known and trustworthy player, then yeah.

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Not really, all the mods could tell you who some trustworthy players are and who isn’t. Players like Meatcove, Ahmed, Arfax, and players who report hackers daily are trustworthy to me.

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Ive seen you hacking multiple times over the last 1,5 years. Your arguing isnt very smart either , every hacker can buy slugs. Most of them just dont feel safe enough to do it , since they know they will be banned.
Hacking is hacking and you admitted it. Not to mention your refreshing.

Guys… report thread… take your arguments somewhere else…

Hacker Maj.AkoO Proof

If you’re wondering why I’m on an alt, kongregate didn’t want to load today.

I saw him hacking more than 5 times.

Shut up and just admit that you’re a hacker. I even saw you refreshing several times.
You are one of the worst trash player I played with…

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You who are a waste. Let’s see who is garbage, we will arrange a room me and you, afraid, right?

You know how to interpret text? I said from the beginning, I used to fight hacking other hackers. I do not use a long hacker hacker time. I’m telling the truth, I do not need to be lying, you believe it or not. If I did not care, I simply would not come here to defend myself, and have several ways to circumvent the game, even with the blocked IP.

What… are you just gonna use blaster and abuse smg with scout?
Fight 1v1 head on head with auto-target? Throw a bomb that decides the fate of the match?

You turned on hack and killed me with full-auto SMG after you lost against me several times.
You are a WASTE.

btw I won’t reply anymore to your next post… I don’t like talking to idiots

lol ok now I get it…sorry it takes me awhile to process…

you shouldn’t be swearing…just saying it is one of the rules on here…don’t get mad at me but for real its not appropriate…and your smart right so…use bigger words other than swears like use a bigger vocabulary. just letting you know.:slight_smile:

PIS would destroy you in a fair game. Ive killed you to the point where you start hacking before and pis is a better sniper than me.

P.s. PIS is zecretly

I’m not using a bad vocabulary, you saw who began to huff me? see again that those who began to insult me was that stupid “Zeretly_Myzery”. Please tell him not usae this vocabulary. Do not get me wrong:slight_smile:

okay but you also did…the bigger person walks away…but I understand you…id swear back too! but is it right? no becuz no one should be swearing ( not just pointing fingers towards you) but everyone should be nice to one another and if people cant do that then they should just not reply back at all…

Guys we’ve already established what we know about Anderson, can we drop the subject already?

you shouldn’t be swearing…just saying it is one of the rules on here…don’t get mad at me but for real its not appropriate…and your smart right so…use bigger words other than swears like use a bigger vocabulary. just letting you know.

Lê novamente o que eu falei, eu não vou ficar repetindo toda hora. Vou falar pelo ultima vez aqui. “Eu estava usando hacker para combater outros hacker, mas agora eu não estou usando mais hacker para combater hacker, porque me cansei”.

Se você quiser podemos marcar um combate, eu não sou Noob.

agreed! drop the convo lets talk about cats!!!lol sorry @Rja12 …I was just…idk ill stay out of it… im sorry.

Y8 Games