Report Players!

Give us a time frame then. Months? Weeks?

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Maj.Kushtia123 Proof

I must say Iā€™m meeting more and more lft+ hackers today .-.

Hacker G1.Basilisk2 Proof
Hacker G1.Hengki Proof
Hacker G1.AECZ Proof [Skip to 0:44 to see him hacking much clearly]

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At last someone got a proof of Hengki. Phew

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Col. jhonaoli

One more hackerā€¦

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Hey thatā€™s the guy who got away from me.

yep gerrytheberry hacking

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those damn people man they should make their own games instead of hacking others gamesā€¦:rage:


Maybe find him/her a girlfriend/boyfriend :wink:


For who???:laughing:

Ankit was referring to get the hackers a mate so they will get a life.

Report Players:

AkoO / Cheater
TKKiller / Cheater
Zanark-23 / Cheater
Dory / Cheater
saba.gamgebeli / Cheater
gerolXXD / Cheater
LIFRANK / Cheater

Iā€™m not hacker, I was terminated using ā€œrefreshingā€ but I have no idea what this may affect on my opponents. You Belisaurius11, have to be careful with what you say, you can hurt me a player unjustly.

Have many Hacker to fight because these yes affect the game, I play fair.

I am new in the world of games, do not play other games, the only game I play is freefalltournament.

I already bought often SLUGS, if I were a hacker, and wanted to cheat, did not buy SLUGS.

I saw you hacking several times. You usually turn the hax on when thereā€™s a hacker opposing your team. Then you attack/kill all opponents (hacker or not).
You even turned the hax on once when you are losing against meā€¦ ofc it made me rage so I wonā€™t forget that.
I even saw you on PISā€™ vid: (2:17)

Ive seen you hacking before but you do it sneakily, you were killing loads with AR hax when i joined a room on your team then saw me and immediately stopped and went to rail. I noticed that your rail shots seemed a little fast so i sat right next to you holding the fire button down and you were still pumping out about 40% more shots than me but while aiming to hide your sins. Youā€™re a known hacker by loads of players.

I used to fight other hacker hacks, I am not hacker who is trying to win game cheating, never I used the hacker, and now Iā€™m fighting hacker with the tank. Who speaks my language I know that whenever I spoke, I will fight the hacker for him to leave the room, eventually I kill others without wanting to find it hacker because the hacker is very fast and I also have to be quick. It has many kosher worse, and makes banstante time I do not use hacker.

And yet only used occasionally, not as these hacker who constantly uses, hurting the game. So much so that I did not play much as before, and did not buy more SLUGS, because that is very hacker this game. Now if you can not kill the hackes Tech and Shocher. I do not cheat because the hacker using, otherwise I would not buy SLUGS.

If I am locked in this game, you should know that the game perdarĆ” very much, because I constantly buy SLUGS, so much that Iā€™m already in G5.

Y8 Games