Orion Sandbox ENHANCED

Never mind I got the 3d printer now, hard to find the “King” but i finally kill it, the only thing left is to fix the ( computer error bug, I’m level 4 and when i use the watering can to fill water it make noise and can’t even fill or water the tree or/and plant “watering can” )

sorry, “watering can bug” is to weird, i cant fix this… so… this bug i’ll be dissepared coming soon,right? or no?..

but who can get back the daily rewards, the book of travels rewards after you make a new world?

I guess nobody. You have to take all important stuff with you.

I missed the important stuff?! :sob: :tired_face: :cold_sweat: :fearful: :rage: :angry: :cry:

HOW TO BACK IN THE 1st WORLD??? :rage:

what is so important you can´t play without? Throne? Book? Even the dog isn´t so important. And the other stuff can you find again.

ok! … thanks but has awsome to back again in the first world, i need to explore again the second world , throne is normal , but i can’t find the crown in the first world, the dog is not very powerful anymore, but i am sad who can’t get the 3D Printer 3000 in the second world and i can find again treasures, normal chests, golden chests, goblin chests and the tehno workbench, second world are more good than first!

the books are not problems! i am want part 3 in my second world

I moved to the second world because the first was “too” explored and there weren´t any goods to mine. I believe, you find all the important stuff soon and you will enjoy the exploring again, because beside this it would be only about fighting the bosses :slight_smile:

heheeheh, i liked to get killed by second world, not problems with exp, my new world are crazy, and on the Seller’s chest, has big lot of meat!!!

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finaly, i need more 2 treasures to open and i find more 2 ancient labs, 1 founds an treasure, heeheheh…

i play that game and that is so great

Hi. The F-dog thingy doesnt do much. But i saw in a video showing the dog fighting the player. How do i do that?

Hi! to attack friendly mobs press “control” button and attack :wink:

a bug!!! a energy beam off and i deleted an med station and place it and appears bounus med robot and appears an robot who deleted med station can you help me?

bug dissepared by placing energy beam :slight_smile:

ahhh i find all treasures on the second world!!! :grinning:

how to find the wooden sea from the second world? what level of ore and direction i need to follow?

what are you writing about? What is “wooden sea”? I want it too :slight_smile:

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