Limits in matches

I was wondering - what do u guys think about hero limiting? Lets say u have 2 options in game: to play in limited one where u wont be allowed to use Gunner(example) if someone else picked before u and other one is to play in matches where stacking is allowed (like it is now). Which one would u play more and in general, whats ur opinion on limit of heroes? Would that bring more balance to the game and stop ppl from playing 5 scouts, team full of support or heavies…?

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Then you couldn’t have all gunner match or all any specific hero match.

Lft+ match maybe, people would talk and can strategize who plays what hero.

Also this ^

Now in non lft+ match we have guests and newbies that seem to think “defending your base” is the objective of the game. This would end up making people trying to win suffer a lot.

So how can you see limiting heroes as a good idea?

U would. But u have option to:

  1. go in match with limit
  2. match without limit

And u can play in any of these 2.

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People should be able to use whatever class they want. Limiting hero selection will cause an uproar.


Did u even read text?

imo it’s a good idea, since you can choose what type of game mode you can play.
if you don’t like it go to option 2,
but it has it’s disadvantage like splitting the playerbase.


Ty Genard, the only one who figured what I actually asked lol.

I think it might be confusing for newbies. They probably won’t be able to tell which matches have hero limits or not or probably won’t even know what that means.

Quick match
Quick match limit

Also different icons on what u click with text of description what it means. Unless we talk about 30 IQ and 8 yo, then i think ur point is right.

I cannot say this for a fact, but judging how smart a lot of the players in this game are, I’d say most have a 30 IQ. :blush: Also I bet at least half of the players are underage.

I support both rja’s and andrea’s point of views. I opine that all players should be free to choose what class/hero want to play, and it’s for that reason that I would always play in that type of match. However, if they add matches with limitations I would certainly don’t mind about it, because by playing there at least you won’t find matches with 16 Tanks, 8 in each team. The point is that as long as it’s an addition and not a change to the current mechanics of the game, I’m fine with it.

But then again, I can see what Genard is trying to say. Perhaps people like Andrea would frequent the limited matches while I will permanently stick to those matches without restrictions, and that’s not beneficial. It is not a really downside because we will always have access to both styles of games, but still.

The only thing I don’t agree with it’s beli’s argumentation. I don’t understand how it could ever be “confusing” for newbies. With a good Interface, everything should be clear enough for anyone to know which matches you want to play.

I don’t think I need to remember anyone that this is banneable. If enough evidence is provided about a certain user’s age then that’s ban-worthy according to the law.

EDIT: Perhaps this should go into the suggestions thread. I recommend moving the discussion there.

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I would play in both haha. Imagine u want to play assassin and boom-match against 3 shockers so kinda u are limited anyways.
Also i would put 1v1 in game or 4v4 since ppl likes duels and get interupted constantly. But objective wouldnt be cp or payload,simple points until someone reach 10.

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That is something that we already talked about with Genard, when we first “tested” the game. We weren’t happy with the games & matches balance. It sounded like an easy way to force the balance somehow, at first.

But since you have to actually buy your classes, not everyone has access to everything, that could be an issue with the match set-up. And i’m afraid that the players love their freedom.

Curious to know what everyone thinks about this.

Renting a hero can be solution.

Good idea, sometimes players use 3 techs, or 2 shockers + 1 tech, and blazer, or blaster! and in your team, you have 1 tech and shockers pretecting base >.< or 3 gunners in the same match, and only 2 trying to CP. i think that a limit for classes support and OP is a good idea (Blazer, blaster, tank, tech, shocker) classes support no more than 1 by team, and classes OP no more than 2.
Just my opinion.

Limit on all. Having 3-4 snipers in space station isnt any better either.

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Yes. One solution.

And since we are talking about a new / alternative game mode, if you don’t like it, don’t play it. But we are going to need a bigger pool of players to be able to fill various maps with even more game modes.

Good point sometimes is unfair 5-6 snipers in ST but, players who plant they as** and try to snipe, taking the chance to use it to players who really can helpfuly and know use that class.

Btw Gunner is free, a lot of new players use this class.

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