Limits in matches

Hm. Limit hero per 2 and smaller teams like 5,6 instead of 8?

I think youā€™re going overboard with trying to limit the heroes to only 2 per team. You will be basically forcing everyone to use something they donā€™t want to. People should be able to comfortably switch to whatever class they want. Also The teams are just fine, no point in reducing it to 6 players per team. We have tiny dock if players want smaller matches. Instead they can add 12/12 matches along with 6/6 and 16/16 matches.

The only spam issue we have is with heavy and support. If they can find a way to balance those 2 classes in a team setting that would be the perfect solution.

U are still missing a point. There would be 2 game modes.

Actually youā€™re right, I skimmed through and didnā€™t read everything. To be honest I like that idea. Perfect for avoiding spams.

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At the very least limit it to a certain rankā€¦

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It does need a limit. If u put 4-5 gunners in match,no one will capture.

Actually Iā€™m fine with a limitation on specific chosen servers, up to 2 max could be a nice option. Iā€™d personally limit it to a Cpt+, mostly because at that stage of the game almost all the players tend to have at the very least 2 classes bought, so a possible range of 4 classes to choose in said match.

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Iā€™d agree with that. Just not so sure we could apply this new game mode to all of the 4 maps, with the same caps and limits.

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Just a bit more of team work. And not one person capping.

You canā€™t literally force everyone to cap Andrea. There will always be games where 1 person is carrying the team.


Thatā€™s actually a really good point, but there is an other thing Iā€™d give a shot before. Is it needed a hero limitation or class limitation?
For instance, a limitation of 2 per hero can still generate in a possible team of 9 (the worst case scenario) 2 teches, 2 shockers, 2 tanks and 2 blasters. Which itā€™s pretty awful in my book.

What Iā€™d suggest is a class limitation, easier said than done. Letā€™s take into consideration a limit of 2 for support and heavy classes and 3 for strikers and lights, the 3 is needed in case a team is losing a lot and a team is composed of 9 . Now in this situation we can have a worst case scenario almost no permutation that could be unbeatable. For instance 2 tanks, a tech and a shocker; a standard strategy, tough but nothing broken. All the other team ā€œsmoothiesā€ chances are pretty much the same, double teches or shockers, and so on.
Even if it feels way better than before there is a flaw. Previous limits established, should there be hero limitations too?
Well, in the case I proposed there is a 3 limit per striker/light class, which means there could be a triple same striker/light class. Good? Bad? In my years of experience Iā€™ve understood that dealing with 3 identical heroes tends to be an overwhelming experience, so alongside the 3 class limit Iā€™d add a limit of 2 heroes.

So is this conclusion viable for each map and game mode? Well it works pretty well in small maps CPS, Shuttle Bay and Moon Base.
In Training Arena CPS is already different, because being it a big map makes the encounters less common and the 2 per hero limitation in here feels like a stretch. In this specific map design and game mode Iā€™d keep the 2 max heavy/support class but without the hero limitation.
Training Arena has a TDM game mode, which could have a max of 3 limit per class. Due to the fact that this mode is kill-based, using a really good capturing class (support/heavy) wouldnā€™t make much of a difference, in teoryā€¦ For instance, a worst case scenario (so again in a team of 9) would consist of 3 tanks(/blasters), 3 scouts(/assassins/bombers) and 3 gunners(/commandos/blazers) or maybe a more defensive one with 3 mixed supports. Now this isnā€™t actually ideal, this can cause some really bad situation of spam, 3 heavies and 3 supports is no joke, Maybe a 3 limitation per class and a 2 per hero? Still this is the hard call, Iā€™ll discuss about it.
Last but not least there is Space Station PL, shaped differently compared to all the others (long and really tight). Even if itā€™s a really big map, the game mode makes it really fast paced, blending offensive and defensive quite well. Iā€™d use the same limitation for Shuttle Bay and Moon Base CPS.

Like using my tank balancing ideas *wink wink nudge nudge*
But in terms of the topic at hand, I am against limits, but if you all want to create a seperate game mode where I never have to worry about it then by all means, more to you for it. Wait to split the player base as the Mods said.

Better suggestion: have more matches with varieties of different player limits to choose from. The best combat to ā€œop class abuseā€ isnā€™t restricting hero usage in matches, but rather, the amount of people who can join said matches. No one complains about op heroes in tiny dock rooms. Have more rooms like tiny dock, with maybe larger volume limit.

You know most of us donā€™t go to tiny to play to win right? Most of the time the CP is empty and No one captures until the last 5 mins of the match.

i think the more complicated you guys make it the less chances of anyone implementing it are. so:

i would definitely play a room where only 1 of each class was allowed. if you donā€™t own any of the classes that arenā€™t being used it could temporarily allow you to play one at random. that way people can try out classes before buying them too

of course you can still do 1 shocker 1 tank 1 blaster 1 tech but thatā€™s still better than what we have now

that way you canā€™t even complain when someone plays an OP class like tank. because he is their ā€œteamā€™s tankā€.

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Thats why i said for smaller teams there would be different objective, More like Arena and with each kill team gets points. Seems better for 1v1 and 3v3 (tiny dock), but in teams 5v5 or 6v6 objective can be cp/payload. When Tiny came out (by mistake? xD) ppl liked it and like i said, many players do 1v1 so it would be a nice thing to add.

Atm, Overwatch is looking like this and players reacted on it really good. I think some of these things are possible in FFT also.

In quick play they put limit because many ppl complained on stacking heroes so in arcade u can find old game mode (6v6 no limits). Like that, u can stack heroes and on the other hand, there is game mode with limits which is for ppl who dont want to see some silly stacks and lose game. U can quit but after few match quits, u recive warning for temp ban (got it twice xā€™D)
1v1 mistery duel is actually fun and u both spawn as same hero. When one player is dead, it switches to another hero until one is winner.

This is just some example and i believe that im not the only one who want to see different game modes.


I donā€™t think I made the solution hard, I just said the steam of ideas i had befoee coming to the conclusions. Otherwise itā€™d have felt like something without a reason, numbers that came out of nowhere.

Iā€™m fine with more servers with less people in it(6/10), still Iā€™d be happy to keep the numbers high.

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