

I have to agree with what you said,but I still go by my saying that the shotgun could get a buff In its range.
I feel the stim pack Is perfect as It is.
Either the shotgun gets an increase in damage to deal with the panic bomb from an assassin
It gets an increase in range to deal with runners.

What this^ meant was either she uses the C4 on assassin’s or that she uses the panic bomb on the commando.

What you thought was that she pointed out shocker to be the solution.

She Is now confused.

And now,so are you :smiley:.



I clearly talked about commando, not shocker.

What I was trying to say,lmao.

i was talking about shocker* not comando

u posted it two times :wink: lel

Deleted the new one.

Ur reply was on my comment and no one here talked what is the best vs assassin. Next time please read comments up before u came up with random line.

lel sry i replied you btw wrong reply button and i always read the above comments :blush:

And I talked about Commando, not Shocker or how to vs Assassin.

I want make a new topic xD

If anything it need the range to be lowered.

No really enfaces of mines.

Will if your blind or can’t see the “flow” of battle then the best way to “see” an Assassin is with a Blazer i.e. it can help you see cloaked assassins and see others throw the map. (even tho it is easy to see cloaked assassins, if anything assassins when they cloak makes it easier to see them i.e. because they attack you or move around map with cloaked, flee.)
So if your not as blind as a bat or can see the further then best class is any class, tho personally I like killing Assassin with Tech, because Tech is meant to be weak to them, lol.

Nerf Blazer, I die

Give the Assassin Invisibility, replace cloak. It far to easy to see, anyone who need Blazer to see an assassin just leaven, now.

Just throw a panic bomb on a blazer and its flamethrower will be almost harmless.

Plz no

Hahaha i doubt that any Assassin would agree that cloak is not op xD long duration,200mph,without big cooldown,if u ask me,I would even nerf it lol

Actually that is BS. Assassin is already annoying enough, the fact that they can do that is frustrating.

Are you saying that because you’re bad at it? lol
Anyhoo, the only balanced class is Gunner, the rest of the classes are messed up

Panic Bomb does not decrees that damage you can do?

So what it do to make it harmless? All it do is let friendly fire happen (if NOOB get hit, if any one else just make then go for assassins first so to stop it get annoying) or Teach heal all. And it give some poison.

Not really, I’m decent.

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