💫 Freefall Tournament: General Discussion 💫

lol why is this still alive :joy:

i consider gunners as strong heroes
dunno why :neutral_face:

u mean buying the game is better then playing it on the browser?
i guess im going to buy the game on steam then

Yeah, it’s better to buy it on steam
The only difference is the performance since playing fft as a desktop app performances much better than the browser.
Also my main is Gunner.

Where do I get my y8 code for me to put on my steam ?
To connect my account Col. TioDi to my Steam account

Assuming it will work
I believe you get it on the browser fft

Already got the code, thanks for the reply.

hello everyone

I am now deciding to leave FFT
also here is my video of my review and why I am leaving


too bad they aren’t updating the game
zero developers in fft


u know their’s no plan for this game bro

Game wasn’t updated since 2014 what are u on about? :slight_smile:


I thought it was released in 2012. Maybe I was thinking about the alpha/beta testing release dates

yo tengo una idea sobre un nuevo heroe SNIPER se trataria de un hereo cullas armas serian un rifle de francotirador que pudiera marcar a los enemigos y con un gran daño pero su recarga seria muy lenta para la secundaria arma podria ser una pistola como una desert eagle con un gran daño muy efectiva pero un poco lenta HABILIDADES:1 seria una super propulsion que al tocar al enemigo reibiria un gran daño ademas de empujarlo lejos 2 una super presision que aumentaria el daño de las dos armas veloidad de las armas y 100 poriciento targeting 3 la armadura de este hereo botarian mini granadas invisibles que llegarian a un gran rango y darian un efeceto de aturdimiento. y mi nonbre es MANOLO y esta es mi idea de un nueo heroe esribi esto aqui ya que no enocontraba un lugar para esribir espero que les guste esta idea a los desarrolladores del juego

era una super presision perdon XD

era tabien 100 poriento de targeting perdon

Idk if it’s the place to ask for this or not, But I’m trynna play the game like i used to and i got the steam version but the problem is i can’t transfer my account since it’s stuck on “verifying, please wait” screen. i remember the email and user name and " I think" the password and i even still have access to the email, So is there any way i could get my progress back? @insanehero

this is a message i sent to fft staff when i got banned lol goes back to 3 years ago


1destroyer3 used tech bug to crash the match…someone want to do something please?

zain too is starting do it

samspeed and prestige too

Y8 Games