Fixing the Blaster

This may be the only time I use this argument.
I believe @Nox is a Marshal and as such it is … basically… obvious that he has more experience than you.

I will not argue with you anymore. My point is:
ANY class except tech, can kill blaster.

Please, play the game more and actually observe good blasters play. Your idea of how good blasters play is wrong on almost every count.

It is impossible to use e when you are being stunlocked by a mauler. I know this firsthand.

You’ve used this argument about 3 times before this.

Any class can kill any class. They all have guns.

Really? I just did.

Even though I haven’t played blaster much, I personally feel that blaster is either OP or broken. The rockets behave weirdly at times like completely bypassing the tank’s nullification buckler. This however might be due to the current webgl state so can’t give a solid opinion.


Part where u stated about Scout not being able to handle the Blaster.

U could also notice that it’s not stated how much damage it takes to break the bubble, but u said Blaster can do it. While I claimed it can’t. If u ever used bubble while Blaster damaging u, u would easily notice it expires by timer not because of damage.

E, F, R.

U clearly don’t understand that Tank can go over 200mph while Blaster can’t.

If u are near hallways, u obv deal more damage since range. Sitting like a duck on cp just makes u easy target for micro (or sitting 24/7 overall).

Well have fun then arguing and ignoring everything that ppl said here. Seems like u are right and everyone else is wrong.

No one said that Blaster is balanced or that it doesn’t need a nerf. However, it’s farm from unkillable and Blaster rarely dares to go 1v1 Tank for that same reason. U do need far more experience with classes and to learn how to play them properly instead of arguing how non is able to kill the Blaster. If u are not able to kill with Tank, that means something is wrong with ur gameplay. From what I could read, u got no clue how exactly Tank and his mauler works or any of other abilities.


No use. Paragon is gonna come up with more idiotic arguments and claim he’s right.

i actually identify as a Scout

I stand corrected.

See, this is where your argument goes wrong. You switch from empirical (for our purposes) facts and move to personal anecdotes. You say that the bubble expires because of the timer when you play Tank, I say that the bubble expires because of the damage when I play Tank, and the argument goes nowhere. You’re implying that your own personal experience ranks higher than mine, which is obviously false.

That was a rhetorical question meant to prove that it’s not just one ability that ccs enemies. You kinda just proved my point.

When would that actually be a viable strategy? You can’t aim at those speeds and due to the small map size your opponent can just wait for you to crash into a wall or cc you or fly out of your way or just shoot you as you hurtle towards them because at that speed you’re only going in a straight line.

Getting back to my original point - It doesn’t matter if you can go over 200 mph. If you can’t stay in the air for the same amount of time as the other person, you’re at a distinct disadvantage. There’s a reason Obi-Wan took the high ground (hint: it was higher).

  1. Nice of you to admit it.
  2. Everyone else? You mean me, you, and two other people?
  3. Seems like arguing and ignoring others is par for the course here.

Let’s play “Never have I ever”. I’ll go first. Never have I ever said that the Blaster was unkillable.

This is a No True Scotsman fallacy. I said I play Tank, and you accepted that - until I said that I had trouble killing the Blaster. Then you said that I wasn’t a real tank player and that I needed to improve my gameplay, etc.

Hahaha, that was a good one.

Wait, that was a joke, right?

You’re saying that I don’t understand how the Tank’s abilities work? You were fully and completely wrong about how the Tank’s bubble worked and you’re trying to bring my credentials into consideration? What a laugh.


Stupid question, proving more that you have 0 credentials to talk on this matter.
I will be blunt for once.

You are talking about a class (blaster) that you do not own, just watching others play. You have made very incorrect assumptions about blaster’s playstyle.

You do not know how to play blaster or how good players play it.

You also talk about another class, (tank) that you also do not own. You have made very incorrect assumptions as well about tank’s playstyle. And overall, you do not know how to play it.

You do not know how to play tank and you think just copy and pasting a definition from the game makes you master. Experience ranks higher than your definitions.

Your credentials are extremely bad, tbh. You have 0 idea how to play the game. You are extremely arrogant and brash without any true experience or gameplay to back your ideas up.

You talk about fixing blaster. OK. It’s easy. You made good points in your first post— then took it all back by arguing how tank plays and how good blasters play. All of your statements other than your suggestions to fix blaster were disgustingly incorrect.

TLDR : You do not know how to play the game. Simple as that.


Ill just skip everything what u said since it’s pretty much pointless conversation.

Boy, pretty sure I was on one of the best Tank players when game had more hardcore players and even when I didn’t play him, played against other great Tanks. As u can see, I said that Tanks bubble breaks on EMP mines from Shocker - 3 of them to be correct and that happens right after u rush on point after respawning. It’s pretty clear I would be nowhere as good Tank, if I didn’t understand that class.
Also, only one of us has this job because of knowing the game well…And that’s not u.


Here we go again. You dig yourself into a hole with your arguments and then try to bluff your way out by saying, “But I’ve played longer than you, so I’m right and you’re wrong.”

Maybe you’re right. But I do know how the majority of players play blaster. And if the majority of players play an overpowered hero in an overpowered way, it doesn’t matter if it’s the “best” way or not.

40+ kill games would seem to indicate otherwise. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  1. *zero.
  2. Let’s play “Never have I ever”. I’ll go first. Never have I ever told you how long I’ve been playing.
  1. Thank you!
  2. Why would any of that affect the validity of my points?
  1. I’m pretty sure all of my statements were based on how to fix the Blaster.

  2. Geez, I’d hate to see you when you’re angry.[quote=“Cpt.Joe, post:49, topic:19123”]
    TLDR : You do not know how to play the game. Simple as that.

  3. *tl;dr

  4. I beg to differ.

Translation: I’ll just skip everything that you said because I can’t actually answer it.

  1. Game of War intensifies
  2. I identify as a Scout

snickers i’m pretty sure that’s not what you meant

  1. *precise, not correct.
  2. “If I didn’t understand that class” Are you sure you understand the game at all? Going on the point after respawning doesn’t, shouldn’t, and can’t affect the Tank’s bubble mechanic in any way. And it’s pretty damn obvious that you don’t understand the Tank class because you were completely wrong about one of its most basic mechanics.

You call this a job?

Wrong again, sadly. I’ve played half a year now and I’ve seen much less blasters than gunners.[quote="Paragon, post:51, topic:19123"]
40+ kill games would seem to indicate otherwise. ¯

Kills mean nothing. I can have 10 kills and still be doing more for my team capping than that sniper dude with 60 kills is doing.[quote="_Paragon, post:52, topic:19123"]
snickers i’m pretty sure that’s not what you meant


Here we go with the arrogantness again. I think you need to be shown good tank gameplay.

Watch that, @Nox is AndreaC200 in that vid. (cough much better tank than you cough)

Never have I ever seen a person with a Msg account for his main play more than one month.

If u don’t want large wall of text, don’t read this part. I will quote some posts from Paragon showing his supposed knowledge of the game.





Yes, tank is faster than scout. Easily.

You are catching the blaster, because you can be faster. Not blaster is running away.

Translation of ur translation: u just came to argue and deny whatever ppl say here; no point in wasting more time on u.

Any player can confirm u this, that played with/against me at least once.

I found it hilarious how u claim that I’m the one who don’t understand FFT, while first company set me for moderator and second hired me to work for them. That’s how much ‘I don’t understand’ and ‘how bad I am’ at this game :slight_smile:

Respawn gives u immunity on X seconds so seems like something went wrong on that side when it comes to bubble and Tank.
Another funny thing is how u keep claiming that bubble breaks while we actually discussed how numbers on bubble should be changed to make it breakable in meaning of more realistic damage. I don’t think that u are aware of how much damage is needed to break the bubble and basically makes it impossible. But hey, keep going.

I’m employee of who is paid to deal with ppl on forum (just a tiny part of my work) and some random arrogant brats, so guess.

Now when I made almost all clear, here is one more thing - I told u twice to watch a bit how u talk since no ones intention was to hurt ur sensitive feelings by telling that u should improve as player. We all been there, started from something and it took bunch of hours to get on this level of play where we are now. But u went pretty arrogant here and insulted (not directly by calling names) so I really don’t see a point keeping this convo open anymore.

Closing this topic.

Y8 Games