Fixing the Blaster

Listen up.

The Blaster is currently a ridiculously broken hero in Freefall Tournament. It has only survived this long in the game because it’s free and the developers/y8/whoever owns it now need the money that people spend on it to pretty much buy it and win whenever they want. For the people who don’t feel like spending money on the blaster, our life on the game is either endlessly switching between heroes to try and catch it off guard or just hoping that 1. someone on our team was willing to waste money on the game and 2. they’re a better blaster player than the other opponent. Let’s hear the reasons why.

The blaster is not well-rounded, it’s absurdly highly powered. It has the highest health of any hero in the game, except the Tank, which it is tied with at 4000. It has the highest health/force field sum of any hero in the game, except the Tank, which it is tied with at 4000. However, the Tank’s high hit point count is counterbalanced by the fact that it is a close-range hero. Its Heavy Machinegun is a projectile weapon and slow-firing, meaning that it has trouble hitting moving (and sometimes stationary) targets beyond close range. Its hammer, obviously, is a hammer - it has no medium or long-range capabilities whatsoever.
The Blaster, in contrast, has no such shortcomings. I don’t know if its Minigun is hitscan or projectile, but its extreme rate-of-fire more than makes up for its nature at all but Railgun ranges. In addition to this, its secondary weapon (which is really played so exclusively by most people that I’m startled when a Blaster even uses its Minigun), the Heavy Rocket Launcher, not only has an extremely fast projectile speed, but literally locks onto its targets and follows them. This pretty much negates range; as long as the Blaster can keep its target on its computer screen, the missiles will hit. That’s ridiculous.

There is good news, however. The Blaster doesn’t have to be deleted from the game or something drastic like that. Heck, even I think it’s a good idea. However, some changes should be made. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Just about the only thing the Blaster can’t do right now is heal itself. Let’s fix that. Make it squishy (lower its health) - the Gunner has super-high DPS with its sniper rifle - kick - bomb combo but no one really complains because it’s easy to kill as long as you don’t get caught. Make the Blaster like this. Lower its health to 2500. If you can kill it, good job. If it catches you with Micro-Munitions or surprises and out-DPSs you then you just got outplayed, not outpaid.

  2. Get rid of the dumb lock-on missiles. Freefall Tournament is already semi-unique in that its “aim” literally locks onto other players. This is fair because everyone can do it. However, what everyone can’t do is force their projectiles to hit - they just fire at the location the player was at when they were fired. Make the Blaster more like the Tank and stop it from out-DPSing everything under the sun after a .5 second lockon time.

  3. Drop the Minigun and make its secondary weapon a trappper-bomber - sticks to surfaces and explodes when triggered by the player, NOT when someone comes close to it. Force the Blaster to become a hide-and-shoot hero instead of having a Minigun to back it up in far-off conflicts.

  4. Lower its thrust, reactor, and footwork. It doesn’t matter how many rockets it can fire off if it’s grounded while it shoots them. Let Gunners and the like outcompete it in the air.

That’s all for now. If you agree, good for you! I agree with me too. If you disagree and feel like you can back it up, drop me a line (comment). I’ll probably respond.

Lock on missiles are easy to dodge if you know how…

its not the problem of its footwork, thrust or reactor–
real problem: sliding and e skil used as movement skill.
second real problem: micro does wayyyy to much dmg.

Fix those two problems and others are nonexistent. Blaster will be a normal class, still good but not OP. Even now it’s easily killable if you know specific strategies.

Also I’m offended that the fact that you think tank is less OP than blaster. Hell it’s more op, roams around easily. No need for a long range weapon (but it does, HMG has long range), all you need slide around and use mauler.

On a closing note, one of your main points is flawed. If you don’t play blaster you cannot beat blaster. INCORRECT in all counts. Any class played well can kill blaster with room to spare. Example?
Gunner-- good sniping and/or/ AR spamming combined with shatter can take out blaster, easily.
Tank? – if blaster is not using q start with concuss bomb and then maul it to deal, maybe finish with some HMG. If it’s using Q then easy, just pop your Q (not rlly necessary, but reinforces tank a lot) then concuss and HMG to death.
So on, any class played well can kill blaster. If you want more examples I can give you them.

I’m a player who’s mained blaster, saw the potential, then stopped maining and played all other classes. I believe I’m fairly well positioned to speak.

you’re essentially saying git gud.
(also, there’s a reason why they’re called “lock-on”. They follow you.)
(also, reactor doesn’t affect movement. it affects skill cooldowns and forcefield regeneration.)


Some of the lowest footwork and thrust of all of the classes. Also, that weird charge jetpack mechanic. It doesn’t roam around easily - I can’t even get to the top CP of Moon Base using one of the spawn boost pads and thrust.

  1. I didn’t say it needed a long range weapon - I was praising the fact that one was not included.
  2. HMG bullets will go a certain distance, sure. The problem is that they’re projectiles, so they have travel time, and lock-on aim doesn’t account for that. Unless you have godlike reflexes, you’re never gonna nail targets with the HMG manually and lock-on is useless outside of close range for slow projectiles, so, no. Not long range.
  1. good sniping, sure. the trouble is that the blasters typically aren’t standing still at the higher ranks, and good sniping is tricky when missiles are flying at you.

  2. Shatter? Wh-Ho-If you know how to hit midair targets with shatter you need to go collect your 500 slugs cuz you’ve won the Freefall lottery.[quote=“Cpt.Joe, post:2, topic:19123”]
    Tank? – if blaster is not using q start with concuss bomb and then maul it to deal, maybe finish with some

  3. concussion bomb? see the previous point 2.

  4. typically blasters aren’t standing within mauling range unless they really have no game sense whatsoever, and, like I said before, HMG + long range = no dice.

Give me an example of how a tech can kill a blaster circling around its head shooting micro-munitions at it.

I’m a player who has mained tank, seen the potential, and then stopped maining and played all of the other free classes (no bomber for me :frowning:) . I believe I’m fairly well positioned to speak.

Pretty specific circumstance there and i will not give that specific circumstance. Tell me any class that could survive that. that’s blaster’s speciality vs tech’s weakness.

This is how you do it.
First, get your suppresor down in somewhere it’s not easily visible or shot at.
Lay down some bombs, and wait for the blaster to come near.
Now, stay around the area of your suppresor and pulser them to death.
Now you ask: how is tech gonna survive?
tech e stuns and give health.
Blaster is bound to hit your bombs if you lure them right.
Pulser does decent damage.
Suppress effect makes cooldowns really slow, making them only be able to use their mini and rocket launcher. no bomb except the firstone.
Again this is all about timing and some luring.

Sorry, but this shows you do not know how to use tank correctly. No offence, but tank is second fastest class in game, only after assasin. Just because of that “weird jetpack mechanic”. It’s hard to explain. Any pro tank can back me up in this fact.
Tank can charge it’s jetpack while slding. I have tried this in every single gamemode and tank is always 2nd fastest by it’s mph. easily.

You need to learn how to lure. Good snipers dont just stand in the open saying hey go hit me.
NO. They go somewhere where there is cover easily avalaible. The blaster goes into there and bam shatter, gun and death.

What you need to do: keep blaster at max range. Gunner speed>blaster speed. There just use AR or, if u want, rail gun. That’s an easy kill as u negate the rockets( too far range to lock on) and the bombs. Now that leaves minigun. That does not have as long range as AR. So you say duh you can noscope it! ARe you sure u can scope me while moving?

I have seen some of the best current blaster players.
Give me an example of a good blaster player you have seen.

Blaster isn’t currently broken, it’s been like that for a very long time (5 years?).
But I do agree, it needs some sort of rework/nerf. Now, he is listed as heavy class (along with Tank) so reducing his hp is not an option.
Honestly, all it needs is to either get rid of lock on rockets or to remove knock back on them. Minigun could use a little bit less of range and micro a bit less damage. I believe this would put Blaster on position where he is not op nor he is useless.

I’ll have to correct u on one thing, Gunner doesn’t have high dps and crits are random. Sometimes takes up to 5 hits to kill another Gunner (with 1-2 hs hits) and his damage depends on a distance. More distance = more damage. And the only map that can provide that huge distance is space station. Shatter can hit midair if u position urself properly but shatter can be also high risk. Either u can impact and kill urself (E+F) or either can fly randomly. Gunner has that issue with Blaster - when he tries to take a distance and eventually dodge micro, next rocket gonna knock u on the ground and u are pretty much a dead meat no matter how good/experienced u are with Gunner.

Other than that, u are a bit wrong about something. Tank was always more superior compared to the Blaster even without using Q/bubble. Mauler+bomb+E. I see that u got a bit confused how mauler works and how to manage to catch Blaster in close range but it’s really simple. Hit them with bomb, it knocks them, use E to disable them and go in range and just lock them in mauler+slam+bomb combo. In case blaster uses Q to push u away, u still have a bubble which makes u immune on any damage unlike his Q. Never had any stuggle with Tank vs Blaster and pretty much they all quit mid-match since no use for them to go on me with that class. U just need to play a bit more strategical and watch on ur own and enemy’s cooldowns.

With assassin u can pull out insta kill combo on blaster and with dodging micro. Commando can kill a Blaster just takes more effort and all skills +shotgun. Scout can disable auto target on him with haze. Gunner can be good but also high risk if u miss that headshot.


the point is that the Blaster’s speciality is also pretty much how almost everyone plays the blaster all of the time. When winning is a specialty, a problem is created. [quote=“Cpt.Joe, post:4, topic:19123”]
First, get your suppresor down in somewhere it’s not easily visible or shot at.

not easily shot at? by lock-on missiles?

why would a blaster ever come near you unless you’re on a cp? it doesn’t take a genius to recognize that staying out of range would be the way to go here. If you are on a cp (ie the least covered and protected points on the map) then how on earth are you going to hide your Suppressor?

Pulser. Is. Projectile. Unless they’re standing still, you’re not going to be hitting those shots at anything but point-blank range.

cracks knuckles

i don’t know why that would affect anything

Hell, any class can be fast if it gravboots from high enough. The problem is the lack of control over the speed.

Also, really, it’s faster than a Speed Scout?

Also, *its.

  1. Git gud is not a valid argument here.
  2. See my arguments with the Tech about why on Earth a Blaster would ever go to a specific area unless it was a cp (ie bad).

…Not like it’s moving or anything.

  1. At that range you wouldn’t get lock-on for AR either.
  2. If only the Blaster had a long-range, fast-firing weapon with spread to prevent strafing. Oh, wait. Minigun.

Ah, the wonders of spread. The bullets aim, so you don’t have to!

Why? Why would this have any effect on my arguments? I could name three Marshals or some random dude who dropped $5 for the Blaster on a whim. The playstyles are basically the same and that’s a problem.

Am I to assume that because you didn’t address the rest of my points, you agree with them?

  1. Like you said, it’s hard to hit midair targets with what are essentially water ballons bound to the f key.
  2. Tank’s E is pretty short-range.
  3. If both of these work, all the Blaster has to do is trigger the ability that has a crowd-control effect. Oh, did I say the ability? I meant one of the abilities because all of them do.

How many rockets does it take to kill the bubble? Not a lot.

does that seem fair? every skill for one kill, and even then, it’s touch-and-go?

If only one of his weapons didn’t have spread and the other splash damage.

Mmm. I’m not sure what are u trying to prove here.

Did I ever said it’s balanced??

Blaster can’t destroy a bubble, only shockers EMP mines can if u use the bubble right after respawn. And Blaster can’t even sneeze on u, since he is locked in Tanks stun chain. Also HRL damages Blaster on a close range. He hits a bubble, he hits himself. Not to mention that Tank is way faster than Blaster is, so escape for him is never an option, as it is for Tank.

Lurk him in hallway. Blasters tend to get annoyed by snipers.

It’s not. Read again. U stun him, And Tank is faster than blaster is. Point is not only reaching him with mauler but also disabling him.

I told u to watch on enemy’s cooldown :slight_smile:

Scout can do high crit dmage on purpose with double slash. Haze and 2 mouse clicks + R. Can’t be that hard. Eventually can finish him off with smg.

Tell me something that I didn’t see in my 5-8k hours in this game :slight_smile:

Good blasters NEVER always stay in air. More like 50%. IDK what blasters you see, please give me an example. Staying in air is dumb, it’s slower than slide, and what is flying blaster gonna do when a sniper is sniping him? BTW sniping an airborne target isn’t that hard.
So is your “good” blaster just gonna stay in air and get sniped to death? nah he’s gonna go over and try to kill. This is when AR and shatter spamming comes in. AR + shatter is more than either HRL or Minigun.

Again, please give me an example of a “good” blaster you have seen. I’ll probably have met them in half a year of playing.

this debating is pointless. Blaster is OP and needs a nerf but your points are quite off the point and going into areas we do not need to.

All you need to do:
Create slide limit
Make HRL have greater curves
No change to minigun
Nerf Munitions dmg.

Done. No need for all of your off the point reasons.

i may be dumb but tanks bubble does not have health but a timer for how long it lasts

wow in like 4 years on playing ive never saw this

im sorry


Yes it can. Go read the description of the Tank’s bubble. Absorbed damage reduces the duration.

  1. When is a Blaster ever attempting to engage a tank at close range? that’s just dumb.
  2. Easy escape: fly up. The Tank doesn’t have the same jetpack sustainability as the Blaster.
  1. I was talking about bombs, not snipers.
  2. How many control points are in hallways?

Short. Range.

I don’t understand what this sentence means.

I thought we were talking about the Tank? How on Earth am I supposed to switch in the middle of a fight.

  1. A purple unicorn.
  2. Apparently any kind of logical blaster play. The Tank is not a sniper. There’s no reason to go close to it. Throughout your argument you use different classes in the same firefight.
  1. Stop. With. The. Git. Gud.
  2. What if I’m not playing Gunner?
  1. Hard to snipe when rockets are flying up your muzzle.
  2. Micro-Munitions + Pushback + Shoulder Charge = Sad Gunner

I have no idea what you think this means to me. You’ve played against the same people as me. Good job. This isn’t exactly a sprawling community.

Then debate them instead of saying how one class can counter them in the perfect scenario. Tell me why the Blaster’s health is balanced and logical or why it makes sense for the missiles to be lock-on or why forcing the Blaster to become more streamlined or unwieldy is a bad thing.

Basically what I suggested in the first place except for Minigun. Tell me why it doesn’t need fixing.

You have a frustrating habit of just bringing up your own arguments instead of actually addressing the ones that I’ve postulated. Please reply to my post instead of just writing your own reasons or don’t call it a reply.

Sorry, but from your posts, I gather you have little idea what a good blaster does. And, you have no idea of tank’s potential.

Feel free to get offended. Also git gud.

Why am I not nerfing mini gun in my suggestions? That would make Blaster too less powerful IMHO. But of course I wouldn’t really mind if mini is nerfed.

I"m not saying that blaster shouldn’t be nerfed. I’m just saying that your side arguments are completely unnecessary and show that you do not have a good idea of how to play blaster.

Feel free to respond with your standard,
“Stop saying to git gud!”

Let me repeat myself

Because clearly u are skipping many things that I’ve said here. I’m suggesting u that u should be less rude with ur comments when ppl are trying to give u a solution for ur problem.

Read again what I said about bubble instead of wasting time on pointless descriptions, only Shocker’s EMP mine can break it. Mine never got broken from Blaster or any other class.

Blaster is not engaging YOU, but YOU are going in a close range since YOU have the speed.

Correct - Tank has a better one.

Why would u snipe on cp lol?

Then read again. If he already used Q, how he gonna use it again if it’s on cd?

U complained how Scout isn’t able to kill a Blaster lol. And this was the answer.

I gave u examples what can counter Blaster effective. Also don’t u think I’ve seen a bit more than u (incuding the number of Blaster players) so I’m pretty much talking from experience of that?


I have to say, this was pretty interesting to read through. An intellectual debate :+1:


Fun but frustrating at the same time :slight_smile:

you keep telling us that the blaster player in this situation is not dumb and knows to not get close to a tank and hover over the tank so he can not be hit, but if you make the tank player even close to as good as the blaster player is, the tank will easily close the gap and keep hitting the blaster, also its not hard to hit sniper shots on a moving target from very far away with gunner and its not hard to lead shots with techs pulser so a tech could also kill the blaster

im not saying that blaster is perfectly fine where he is now and he does really need a nerf but um

                      GIT GUD SCRUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!

Someone understand my points.
Hopefully your simple message will help paragon snap out of his trance. Seems like he does not understand complicated messages clearly.

I wish i could give you 10.000 likes on that post :stuck_out_tongue:

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