Hello FFT Community,
We know that you guys are waiting for the steam build for a long time and your wait is almost over
we are all set to release FFT steam version.
Hello FFT Community,
We know that you guys are waiting for the steam build for a long time and your wait is almost over
we are all set to release FFT steam version.
what about the accounts we have right now?
will there be any transfer tool available in future?
Can’t wait to re-experience the ultra smooth controls!
If everything works properly you will be able to use your existing accounts with the new Steam game client. That is our intention at this point in time and it is looking very possible.
very good
Hope its not laggy
Ooo, boujee.
yay cant wait to be able to record again
you have done more than freerangegames did, y8 thank you
I am so excited, hopefully old players will come back again!!
Congrats! can’t wait to play again, what about price?
Most probably free. Atleast, I’m hoping it’ll be free, I doubt making it paid would make much of an impact and more over get newer players.
As long as the newer players find the game interesting, they will invest money into the game which will profit the developers rather than making the game buy-able.
I don’t know much about Steam, I’d only have two questions.
What is the difference between the game being on Steam and the browser (pros and cons)?
Do you think it will finally solve the problem of latency?
on Steam there will be bigger rooms and no lag.
Well i hope that game get a price, obviously is necessary obtain profit of a game bc of team working on it, so i preffer they give us a buy-able game than a p2w one
on browser most of the lag is caused by WebGL not being a powerful nuff game engine to run freefall
on steam it uses the full sized unity engine, which allows bigger rooms, better graphics and access to your computers full potential
as for ping it will help but you are still going to be limited by your internet speed and distance from the server
It’s about time that it will come to steam
Also @Ankit if I installed fft on steam would I need to sign in through my id.net fft account(3rd party account) or steam account
yesss details are coming out! it sounds good to me. bigger rooms, less lag; all good stuff.
Where have you been, @#$@#$@#$@#$@#$%@#$?