hello. ive decided to make some sort of event or whatever, so let me explain the entire thing to you. theres game categorys you will be playing. shooting, fighting, strategy, and racing. for each category, you can choose 5 games for each category. and they HAVE TO BE MULTIPLAYER. the matches will be streamed live on youtube, vimeo, and twitch. and upload the videos to youtube and vimeo because some people might not be able to watch them live. and theres a moderator thing. i need someone who is responsible. i need moderators to help manage the event. i will pick you if i know your responsible. im not gonna pick favorites. and i need 2 other moderators. also 2 people need to do commentary. so if you wanna do that say something. and you need to fill out this application before i can accept you into the event.
Name: y8 forum name and website name.
Age: answer this truthfully.
Gender: your honest gender:
Time Zone: your Timezone.
and anyone is allowed to make suggestions on what everyone is gonna play in the tournament. and applications are closing in a month. !DISCLAIMER! this is NOT official. im just doing this because y8 is boring. it would be nice to get this noticed by moderators dont get me wrong. but im not that convinced that they will care. and last thing ok? and there will be continent teams of 4. take time to gather your teams. good luck, and see you soon.