Will freefall tournament have

will freefall tournament have voice chat?

Not anytime soon, but you’re welcome to use our new Discord chat that has a voice chatting feature.

if you guys are interested in voice chat, I can check a bit around for possibilities

No, please without it. As much as I like voice chat, it would be stupid to listen 7 random raging kiddos. Especially if they don’t talk on English.


It should have a power to get turned on or off.

Better yet moderators should have the power to shut them up.

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That would require more mods in general. Both to ‘mod’ in-game and to ‘mod’ voice chat(s).

Which is why we need separate rooms for VC and Normal chat. And do you really think we need a mod for each room? You don’t see that in any games much less see a mod muting a person VC.
Its just a matter of having the power to mute people who like to scream at there mic and annoy people actually having a conversation. A vote function for the players would be a better choice then getting new moderators.

I think this would be way better if u group up with friends, so on that way using mic would be way more fun plus if someone wants to talk on other language, its better for them also… In US server u would prolly end up listening ppl on spanish.

Plus, mods would need to have turned on mic constantly to check on ppl who harass…And I really but really don’t want to suffer that much.

Yeah VC being activated only when you create a group public/private. That would work wayy better.

We already discussed a vote system. It could be used to troll. Unless the mods choose few players with the vote capability.

How can you say that those few players are gonna be online? and are they really gonna be in every single game? How is this a good idea???[quote=“InvisibleKiller786, post:11, topic:3191”]
mods choose few players with the vote capability.

Sending mail in game would be way better. If there is a simple option to call a mod,they would troll us so hard and we would be annoyed/get bunch of fake reports. Or like a kid ‘oh whats this big red button? LETS PRESS IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS’

You could do it so that 3 people in the same server have to press it or something similar

And if the report is false, the mods click false report. And the player looses 1000zcash and 100 xp.
Before pressing the summon mod button though, there should be a warning saying ‘a false report will cause loss of up to 100xp @ and 1000zcash’.

No it would be really funny to see everyone raging how they died lol

They always rage,no matter what. Yesterday like I played The Hunger Games,not FFT.
Playing on my main is really painful

I dont know if that must be listed in suggestions. Since there are too many buttons to press in game, some people press buttons randomly like i do :smiley: How is this possible though?


They won’t always have to be online,but you completely ignored the fact that we’re selecting a few or a specific number of players for this vote thingy.Hence,there is no chances of this being abused,
I know this is old but still thought I’d pop in a comment.

Like meatcove said

And,[quote=“InvisibleKiller786, post:15, topic:3191, full:true”]
And if the report is false, the mods click false report. And the player looses 1000zcash and 100 xp.Before pressing the summon mod button though, there should be a warning saying 'a false report will cause loss of up to 100xp @ and 1000zcash

This won’t be necessary as we’re giving/allowing vote powers to a certain number of players.
It is also quite painful to see how you lose that much that quick.

The players have now calmed down (a bit) the waves have now been cleared,you can rest easy.

Just please avoid answering on old comments and bringing back old topics, thanks :slight_smile:

Y8 Games