Which Hero should I buy?

Hey there.
I’d like some advice on which hero I should buy.
First, a bit of background- I’m a captain, been playing for a month, and already have 2 troops plus gunner - the assasin and the blaster.

I’m thinking about buying either commando or bomber next.
I’d like some more information about the way the commando stuns other players (similar to blitzrieg mauler)
I’d also like some more info about the bomber- does it’s mini launchers lock on to targets and then follow them around like the blaster heavy rocket launcher or not?

Finally, i’d like your opinion on which hero I should buy - commando, or bomber.


Deppends on your prefferences, but i always will recommend commando (mortal and fun) or tank (basic when the game is twisted). Bomber is fun but useless if you dont have anyone in your team capturing. Shocker and tech (in this order in my opinion) are good options too to consider if you are not alone in the team.

To have something to compare before buy, commando is a mix between blazer (short range but deadly) and gunner. The basic difference with gunner is that gunner have a lot more range and have 2 useful weapons; commando have more power in short range (probably is the most powerful heroe if you can stay close to the enemy), better bombs and the awesome stun (E). Both (bombs and stun) are pure magic when you get used to it. On the other hand, the bad thing on commando is that his secondary weapon, the rifle, is useless if the rival is not afk and he has a hangover after use his power-up (Q) that can be a bit frustrating in critic situations. Anyway, who need a rifle when you have a shotgun? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Bomber is good in open maps and can be very annoying for the rivals, but is very weak and, as I said, it’s impossible to capture without anyone in your team doing the dirty work.

Of course this is my opinion and probably others will recommend you in a different way but the decision is yours. Hope it will help you to decide. Good luck!

gunner is my favorite hero and a very powerful one with some skill needed to use rail gun to full affect

tank is for holding points and is less useful on tdm games

scout is fast and has a hit and run play style and is very good at clearing caps and gettings kills, tho its harder to stay alive

tech is the main healer of the game and when paired with shocker amazing on holding the shuttle bay cap point, but less useful in tdm and moon base as you need to set up to be most affective and always need a team

blazer is a very high damage with a short-medium-long range weapon kit but damage past lock on range with the lazer rifle is very low(he also gives a damage over time affect that stacks up to 20 times)

assassin is like scout with a better hit and run but even less survivability as you have no movement abilities

blaster is like a mix between gunner and tank and is very dangerous in tdm and is also very good at holding points

shocker is much like tech but his healing rifle does damage but only heals sheilds, his q spawns a bubble shield and when paired with tech you can hold the shuttle bay point (when set up) for a very very long time (his secondary does shield damage and also disables shield regen for a set amount of time also stacking to 20)

bomber is also much like scout and assassin as it has low health but has even more mobility but his play style is more of a hover around a point shooting in on it to clear out bad guys (very fast and deadly but easy to kill if you get to close) (his secondary also has an affect that increases crit chance that also stacks to 20)

commando plays alot like a close-long range as nothing really is good at a medium range, with more survivabilliy than gunner as he has a regen abillity and his guns fire faster while under the affect, his secondary rifle has a scope that can headshot

out of these pick the one that fits your play style and wait for it to come to free to play for a day and unlock all of its abillitys then play with it untill you know for sure you want it then buy it

Depends on playstyle, since Commando and Bomber are very different. Average Commando is good, average Bomber isn’t, so it is very skill based.
With Commando you need to know how to properly engage the enemy and try to not impact urself too much with mines (bomb). Commando suffers a bit vs Gunners and Tanks, while Bomber is Tank ‘eater’.
Bombers mini launchers tracks only on short distance and u gotta have ur Q always ready. Since game changed to Webgl, Bomber isnt that great as it used to be; hail misses a lot. However, it’s still usable. If game is a bit harder/a lot of good players in the room and around objective, Bomber can switch to support role sorta because flaire bomb stuns enemies in area. And most important thing about Bomber - he is the only exception when it comes to capturing/contesting the point. Bomber never captures unless whole other team is wiped, he is too squishy without Q.

On ur place I would probably go for Commando since it’s more simple to play and u are fairly new player, u can always later save up for Bomber. U won’t make mistake with buying any of these classes, since all 10 are fun to play.
Great thing about this game that I always liked is how every player had own style of playins some class, that’s why it’s skill based game and everyone was unique.

Don’t have any video of Commando gameplay, but here is an old short video of Bomber ft. pocket healer ft. Blaster-who-stole-kills .-. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7f_2wDBmqBvMG1PT0NiT0RDNms
So u can have some idea how Bomber works and how to play it effective (notice killstreak lol xD)

Hope this helped u a bit with decision~


From my experience I would say that the commando suffers with blaster basically. Shockers and tanks can be a pain in the ass too but not compared to the blaster and his annoying Q. Gunners and blazers can give war too but they are handable if you can get them fast.

my bad, what I meant with tanks is heavy classes, which includes both Tank and Blaster xD
And Blazer, since both are close range + Blazer broken now


Thanks for the advice everyone,

I’m (maybe suprisingly) going to choose bomber over commando.
Commando seems like an average troop, powerful, but kinda boring.

Bomber doesn’t seem too bad, and I think I’ll choose bomber over commando :slight_smile: Again, Thanks for all the feedback!

Like you pointed out, commando can be pretty boring. I almost never play with it.

You’ll face more challenges with bomber, like being chased 24/7 by everyone. :laughing: And what Dea83 said is very accurate.

It’s a good choice, as others said deppends of your playstyle. What is fun for some may be boring for others and the other way around. For me bomber becomes boring after playing 15 minutes with him, others love it and can play with him for hours. Enjoy him as your new toy and if at the end, after buying it, the bomber is not to your liking you can always buy the other one later :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Over time you will have all heroes anyway.

They only can try to chase and fail in that xD Nothing better than having a sub gun Scout on ur neck or Blaster with HRL.

And yeh, commando can be boring, but I found butt stroke fun lol. I will always pick Gunner over Commando since Gunner don’t have issues with both weapons unlike Commando . BR is only for ‘im bored’ mode or finishing…but again shooty can do the same as BR if u chase someone.

simple just buy commando its really a good hero

Okay listen I play 3 years this game EVERY day and I know which hero is the best and not within my imagination and preferences as many people do, but with facts!
10th Tech, useless with no combo (shocker is totally better)
9th Blazer, can get rekt easily cant really do much… (the only thing blazer can do is damage with his weapons without skills and anyone can avoid his shots)
8th Blaster, the easiest kill in the game (dont be afraid of his life)
7th Assasin, a good, fast hero but not so worthy to be your main because as many times you upgraide him he keeps staying in the same level
6th Tank, this hero is really slow but he is able to block everything (shield in hammer that can be used over and over again)
5th Commando, very damagable hero that can do serious damage in game but he doesnt need any skills at all something that makes him very good hero for the low-level people with no in-game skills and no matter what the games with him will be the same with no any progress! (commando doesnt deserve to be so expensive and do not buy him!)
4th Shocker, a very usefull hero that can save everygame, with high damage, super shield, stuns and really usefull bombes! (if you know how to play shocker really good you can be the god in every game)
3nd Scout, the fasest hero of all, he is able to kill anyone anywhere fastly like the wind! Very useful bombs ( if the scout player knows how to use his Q and his bombs he can rekt anyone)
2nd Bomber, fast, super powerful, with crazy damage, but he needs skills, if you dont play him correctly you will be noobs in the game and always suicide because of the bombs, but if you use him correctly (and his moves) there is noone that can beat you! Bomber is the only here that is able to kill a dousin of people together in less than 3 seconds. He deserves even the first place!
1st Gunner, the best in the game if upgraided and used correctly! He is able to use his gun to shoot from far away or use his sniper to delete other players. He can face anyone without being afraid from a really far distance he can even make some combos with the sniper that can kill a tank in less than a sec! Always in the first place, he deserves it!

Hi, please don’t revive old topics :slight_smile: I believe he bought class by now.

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