What is your favorite thing to do Online?

My favorite thing to do in Hide Online is to blow up the props. Then when it’s MY turn to hide I love to run around at last minute and make all the hunters crazy with the taunts, ESPECIALLY when I have a good spot.

What’s your guys favorite part of the game? Go ahead! Don’t be shy tell me! Can’t wait to hear it!



I like to play BlackShot,TankTastic,Gran Turismo 4,Need For Speed UnderGround,Roblox,Need For Speed Most Wanted,Need For Speed UnderCover,Need For Speed Carbon,Counter Strike,FreeFall Tournament,Def Jam Fight For NY,Agar.io and Minecraft…but most important thing in the world than game is study hard to success in life…game not important but make sure not to play the game everyday…

Note:The black one is most i like to play

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