WebGL Progress

Hello Guys,

as promoised our developers are working hard on the webgl and I have the first look for you :slight_smile:



Reminds me of the 2nd old graphics look. I like it :slight_smile:
Could you show us the inside of the shuttle? And what about other maps, still working on them?

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WOw. This brings back so many memories. I still remember the first time I entered the shuttle bay. Back then the graphics or quality was not as great as now.
But this is epic!!

Edit: just remember bunch of old players from watching that clip. Nway, TP, fadekillkill, omgzbanana, fifa, abby, CW, janiye, blem, blade, 13, exiledemperor, mah, UM, slim, arif, indego, ronforge, flappy, DNL, masterking786786, scubasteve, dota, ax4, rob

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It’s super bright lol.

Can’t believe at one point FFT was this dark.

reminds me of beta i like it

Beta version :’) hehe
great news, and progress!

This is awesome. Add a few shaders and the graphic quality should increase dramatically - but already it’s fantastic to see the game engine working in an entirely new mode (webgl).


Cool! Pls make shuttlebay map bigger :smiley:
and add elevators (evolution of jump pads from beta)? XD

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Good job!
I am glad it really is happening :joy:

Wow looks like in 2014

(had to delete) e.e

Bit of it :stuck_out_tongue:


Hyped up!!!

Where did u find that pic?

screenshotted that part in video butters

Wow, you reverted back to the bright layout the initial upgrade had that no one liked?

Also, you consistently used the worst shades of every color. They’re dull and bland. It doesn’t flow with the otherwise bright layout.
Not sure if I like it or not, but it’s change, and that’s progress. Gj.

The new one sucks. Old one was amazing. What you sayin?

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The current one frg implemented and stayed with because more people preferred it compared to the bright alternative. The old, old layout was much darker than the current one. This https://forum.id.net/uploads/default/original/2X/a/afdf652b1a94d252f7ff6ad9a023cae5c026298d.jpg
is brighter than any previous version of sb

I miss the old training arena from beta >.<


Alright. A question. So assuming hacks get patched, be it through webgl or some other anti-hack code, would mods still be able to keep their hacks?

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Y8 Games