We want an AdsID to implement ads

I am one of the Founder of Cael Games a game development studio which is interested in distributing content on your website y8 we are currently working on a clicker game and are looking forward to integrate your SDK but for implementing ads in our game to earn revenue we need an AdsID and we kindly request you to provide us with one the game is done in development and we just need to implement ads.
thank you

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Please share your game name

sorry @Ankit for late reply our game’s name is "save earth: it is a clicker game its development is done but we have not uploaded yet cause we want to implement ads before uploading and it would be great if u provide us with an ads id

@Ankit we just want to be monitized on Y8 I readed on Y8 API that we need an adsId to implement ads also our project is made with unity game engine

Replied your email.

Great! can you guide me to implement ads in email?

Y8 Games