Want to remove playing as guest or dont?

so you say the quest player can be kicked out of the server if they used hack

If they use hack and make too much lag…yes

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Mod could always kick a guest hacker.

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2 reason should remove/shouldn’t remove guest


Remove Guest:
If they remove guest,there’s no way hacker should play on FFT,but its hard if some player new on FFT can’t play because they remove guest from FFT…basicly they need train themself before have account…

Don’t remove:
If they don’t remove guest,there’s a way hacker should play on FFT,but some of new player can play on FFT by using guest and can train themself before have an account

Hope you guys understand…:wink:
If i make a mistake on this topic,please leave a comment.

You basically wrote the same reason for why you want and why you don’t want it removed.

No one ever trained themself before creating an actual account (Main account).

Everyone just learned to play well once they reached a certain rank and learned how the game works.

What ankit said has to be the most sensible opinion,they’re not removing it nor will it be a nuisance to players.

sorry if i make a mistake…the reason why i do that because i don’t wanna remove play as guest.That’s all

because new players have not upgraded anything yet or have not get the other class heroes
that is why it would make the game fair
so rank recruit vs recruit
rank marshal vs rank marshal
the same rank vs the same rank
guest vs guest

i agree with out as playing with guest we already have our accounts and why that.

Voted remove

Y8 Games