lmao x’D
Fish-roaring friends.
How to get approve so other people can also advertise games on a newly thread… like a thread which we will use to advertise games only.
Hey guys what’s going on here?
We are all voting for Labyrinth!
I dont have any friends, thats why i’m here
Oh, really…
Why is everyone grinning? all the way from the vampire bitch at the front to the weird grinning building above firehands
New boss, i guess.
Grin to win!
Yup, new boss.
Thank you to everyone who voted! Now we wait.
Voted. Btw im thinking of trying Labirynth, what can i expect in the game?
a lot of geeks that play magic the gathering and shit like that i think
So it’s kinda like a board game?
Thank you very much for voting. Buttersolace, as opposed to geeks playing shooters?
cyborg1, kind of like a board game. You can can see some videos and such here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/412310
It was a joke bby <3
Thanks! It’s getting better all the time.
Is it even available to the public?