Vote for Labyrinth

Please vote for Free Range Games newest game, Labyrinth. It is quick and easy.


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Hey they are back and not for FFT, AGAIN. What a surprise C:

Jokes apart that game is pretty cool, they might have failed hard with TPS but they sure are doing a good job on this one.

P.S. “The legend never dies”


ok, done. Also, why here?

Thanks for voting! Because Y8 was kind enough to let us post here.

Is this a prank?

Edit: I have never tried the game, but voted anyway.

EditEdit: It is still weird that you only came back to advertise Laby but oh well.


Thanks for voting!

Why is that weird? Operating FFT is now Y8’s domain. We continue to help support their behind the scenes engineering as part of their purchase of the game. But that’s not something for us to shout about.


You’re welcome. Idk, It was just weird and I got flashbacks. But if you guys are still helping them, it’s only fair I guess. Good luck with labyrinth.

You’re welcome b0ss.


Thank y0u!


Gonna be real here what part of you thought it was a good idea to do this? By part I mean who thought that?
Old players aside new people won’t get why you had to leave this game. And would most likely point fingers.

Well other than that, great to see you again :slight_smile:
@UM_a told me way before to vote, but ain’t listening to that Italian panda, nope.

O that’s just racist :persevere:

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I think of it as a different kind of “love”

Make a game people love despite all the warts. Stop updating it but keep paying for the servers for years, despite the game constantly losing money, because people are having fun. Transition it to our partner with the biggest group of players so it can have a better future than we could provide for it. You still get to play FFT instead of us shutting it down a long time ago. Seems like a pretty good idea.


FRG baby we love you for that, New players just don’t know, that’s why.

Never complained about your decision making.

But before y8 seemed as dark as you (update-wise), so many were sceptical

I think we all appreciate the fact you guys didn’t shut this down. Especially the older players. Of course sometimes we complained about the situation the game was in and we felt ignored, but it never changed the fact that you guys created a wonderful game. I completely understood the fact that you guys had to move on to Laby.


Many don’t realize that development takes time…a long time.

But newer players have had less time to be mad at us. Lol


I was never mad at you cause I was too busy enjoying the game :slight_smile:

Y8 Games