Uploading game always leads me back to https://static.y8.com/upload

New to publishing games in Y8.
After I finish filling up the information’s needed for my game to be uploaded and clicking on the submit button it just redirects me back to https://static.y8.com/upload without any notification or message what happened to my submission.

Edit: Noticing that “protected by reCAPTCHA” doesn’t show anything I can verify… is that normal?


Hi NeotoonDev,

same at my upload ten minutes ago.
My game ‘Dark Idle’ was stored on the server and the test links worked fine.

reCaptcha didn’t show anything and after clicking submit the zip file was gone but I didn’t get any response.

Did you solve the problem for your game meanwhile?
Any solutions for me. :slight_smile:

Kind regards,


I’ve got the same problem.

@ankit @Bad_Request @user22

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This issue seems to be solved, I was able to register a game without captcha issue.

Y8 Games