The most underrated games of Y8

Hi you all and prepare to discover some hidden jewels on the website, games that in my opinion deserve more visits for the fun they can give.You need to know that this is MY list of games, its my opinion and you dont need to think like me, i know that theres other hidden jewels on the website, but i may not like the genre of the game, like a point-n´-click, so i invite you to comment which other games should be added to the list.And last, this isnt a top, the last game is not better than the first and viceverse.With that said, lets go ahead.


We start good with a Newgrounds game with only 2800 views, it seems that also isnt a popular game at Newgrounds beacuse in some attempts i got the top 2 highscore in all history of the game, but sadly to appear in the leaderboard i had to play it in Newgrounds so i dont have proofs, but you decide to believe me or not.
In the game appears some hints that could mean a lore in the game, so with them i got a conclusion that you are a nanomachine made by a company called M.Y.N.D, and you have the task to cure the body of a person from many microscopic enemies, from a parasite and a mindless worm, to a broken nanomachine and a ghost.While advancing in the game, you discover different enemies and weapons, when you discover them you can look they description in the menu in the “Buglopedia”.

The only control in the game is the mouse and the left click, when you start a game you have a 2D view of your character, your character loads a red ball when you dont shoot it, with a tiny, medium and big size, when you click, this balls goes to the direction you clicked, and it does more damage when bigger, but the probably most interesting thing in this game is the fact that your weapon, is also your only movement tool, as when you shoot, you get impulsed to the inverse side, when the ball is bigger, you get more impulsed.
The objective is to fill the blood bar at the right side of the screen, you fill it by killing enemies, the enemies come in waves, when you kill a wave, you have to choose a crystal to break, these crystals decide the difficulty of the next wave, some also have modifications, like having a boss, temporary damage, or more health.

When you fill the red bar, you get teleported to the next stage, but first you need to choose a CARD, the cards give you an advantage and an unadvantage, some are only for that stage and others are permanent, you have to choose wisely, having in count your stats, which are health and damage, if you have a lot of health, it could be good choosing a card which gives you more damage, but makes you play only with 50% of your health for that stage.

If you advance a lot in the game, theres another mysteryous type of card, i call them “DESTINY CARDS”, those appear every many stages, the message “pick a card” is changed to “choose your destiny” and you have 2 cards to choose, this light blue cards give you a very important advantage and unadvantage, an example: one of them takes away the half of your health permanently, but you regenerate 2 health points if your blood bar gets to a point in specific.Sadly i couldnt get a screenshot of this beacuse its hard to get to that point of the game again.


Some crystals give you a temporary new weapon, in this image you can see the Fan


The timer in the left upper corner is a feature of the game, when it gets to zero, a very dangerous ghost, made from dead infections in the body, will appear and try to kill you.Dont try to kill him, hes inmortal.

Mr. Final Boss

Another endless game where a warrior has to beat the final boss of a game, but, you are the boss?

In this game with 80k visits, you play as Ignatus, the final boss of a game, you spawn in a small room, you have two abilites to choose, with these you will kill all the heros who come to finish you, and your objective is to make that the more hard possible.Some will attack you melee, others with magic, but all of them will launch bombs, which are very dangerous as they have a high range.

This is a concept that i have never seen before, as we are accoustomed to be the heros, now we can see how it would feel to be that final boss, and how powerful the “retry” button can be, when the boss has only one life.

Super Villainy

Another game where you are the villain of the story, and your objective is to be the greatest villain of all times.

In this game with 10k visits, you live in a world where the villains objective, which was world domination, became too boring and it changed to destroy the world, but you arent a hero who will stop those villains, but one of them.Every villain claims himself as the greatest, but you know that there can only be one, so your mission is to act as an anti-hero, or better said an anti-villain and beat all of them.
You have 3 save slots, in which you have to choose your character name, in this post we will call him Dark Heat.

After beating the tutorial, you will have presented the levels menu, here you can choose the level you want to play, first you will only have 4 playable levels, but when you win one of them, you unlock the next one.


When you put your cursor over a level, you can see the difficulty of it in percents, like 40% or 25%

When you enter a level, you appear with your character flying, by aiming with the mouse you shoot bullets to the direction you are aiming, you move with WASD, when you click you activate the bullet time, which slows everything down and gives you a better time to avoid near bullets, and it drains while more time you use it, and with space you use your special ability, which launches bullets in all angles, it needs time to recharge.Some levels has different objectives, in some of them you have to kill a certain amount of enemies, in others you have to survive a certain amount of time, etc, but in all of them the main objective is to not die, the enemies drain your health bar when them or they bullets hit you, some attacks deal more damage than others, and your health bar dont regens.Dont worry, it is not hard as it sounds.

The enemies drop money, to expend that money you have to go to the upgrades menu, in there you can upgrade the special ability power, the thurst, the money drop, the weapon power, the magnetism for money and the fire rate.You can also buy minions, little monsters that will help you in different ways every one, some will cost more than others, but you should equip the ones that could help more to your playing style.

After beating all the bosses, you unlock endless mode, there you can fight until you die with strong opponents, and try to beat your previous score, theres even exclusive enemies from this mode, and even if there isnt enough replayability for you, theres also achievements to try to get.

This is a bullet hell with a unique style, and a good one to start if you arent familiarized with the genre, as it is easier than the big part of bullet hell, but it also isnt a piece of cake, anyways hard or not, it will give lots of fun.

Earth Taken 3

The last game about a war where you fight for fixing something that maybe is too broken, but, what do you loose for trying?

In this game with 58k plays, the world has been invaded by aliens, they changed the entire ecosistem, the air became toxic and most species have died, except the humans and the crows.The aliens captured and brainwashed many humans to fight in their side and they nuked many cities, the governments of the world had nothing to do.The humans who remained has made shelters with breathable air, and some of them did the best to fight the alien force.You play as one of the captured humans, which you can personalize.

When you escape, you move with left and right, you attack with A, you jump and double jump with S, and you aim with all the arrows

Controls details

With spacebar you can search on dead bodies for supplies and throw enemies, you reload with R, if youre behind an enemy and you attack him with the knife, you instakill him, if you jump to a bar, you can climb it.

In the way you may find other survivors, which will help you in fights and will give you rewards if you lead them to a shelter.The shelters are places that you can find in the way, there isnt pressure from the toxic air, you can heal yourself for free, you can trade with the trader for upgrades, ammunation and weapons and you can attend for missions with the shelter boss.

Maybe many of you has played the first two games of this saga, but this one is very unpopular in the website.I really recommend it if you hadnt played it, as it haves new features that the past games of the saga dont have, the only big issue maybe is the lack of replayability, as you dont even have free roam when you complete the missions, you only can restart your progress and try to get all the achievements, but thats a issue of all the saga.

END:Thats it, i originally was going to add more games, but i ended up with more text than i thought, so i can post a part 2 with no problems, it will come sooner or later depending on how good receiving will have this one, but at the end it will come.I invite you to comment which games i could add to the next part.
Once again, forgive me for my bad orthography, as im not good at english, and chau chau, pescao, pescao. :argentina:


Dude both games has more than 10 millions plays how is that underrated?


I understand, they seem to be very good games, but this is an underrated games list, i mean, games that has low visits and plays, and orion sandbox series isnt underrated, they have a lot of plays, orion sandbox has 15000000 plays and orion sandbox enhanced has 12000000 plays, thats why i cant add them.

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Good choices of games indeed :+1:

Y8 Games