The Fake Accounts

Nothing, I just wanted to say this. About a friend of mine.

I tried piecing things together from the little details I could find, and here’s what I figured out.

For the past few years, he’d been making new accounts around Christmas. At the time, I knew The Moose, Battle Moose, Fletcher, Hammer Head, and Kayla were all accounts he created. But that wasn’t the whole story. I realized Jessie1 was one of his too. I found a few more, but these are the key ones. They’re all connected. @CoolAstronaut mentioned two of the accounts, and Jessie laughed and replied, which threw me off. She said she made it all up.

Jessie was a troublemaker who liked to stir things up. She admitted she didn’t know much about me but said she enjoyed causing drama. All she really knew was that I was nice to her. She spoke out of turn, got mad, and made stuff up. She even admitted she wasn’t always the nicest person, but that’s just how she is. I can’t remember everything she said in private chats, but she was incredibly rude to me. She seemed jealous of my relationship and wanted what I had. She definitely crossed the line, so I did everything I could to stop her from harassing me. Eventually, she got banned, until now.

Like I said before, Jessie was one of his accounts. I’m calling it ‘she’ just to be clear.


Hi, wanna talk?


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I have seen this account before.

Yeah, she wasn’t one of them, but she was there.

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She seemed like a good friend

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what happened??

Nothing to worry about

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Hi how are things?

Hey girl

Hey how have you been?


Good to know :chocolate_bar: Anything new happening?


Fair enough :popcorn:


I’m so fed up with the loud neighbors and barking dogs rn

It’s driving me crazy

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