The Best Facts for roblox! (my opinion)

  1. Do you know that roblox is first than minecraft? , roblox is hating minecraft because that’s there though’s!
  2. roblox are has 1B+ games!
  3. do you know that roblox alway’s paid by preston to ban Pet simulator z!
  4. when you report a player in roblox , roblox are actually slow to see in every server’s!
  5. there’s alot of popular game’s! and getting copied and uncopylocked by hacker’s!
  6. roblox are now has alot of downloader’s 100M+!
  7. when u say i love minecraft or minecraft is better you get banned!
  8. everybody anoyed by begging pets in pet simulator x or adopt me!

comment your thoughs! remember this is just a opinion! :slight_smile:

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