
No ! You are not the only one :smiley: I use bomber because is like tech and shocker , a support class but he is for stun and freeze enemyes and confuse them :smiley:

Depends how u play it. But bomb can be ‘support’ part of him. For me he is like a mix of support and dps, at least that’s how I play Bomber.

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I think just add new bomber new weapon like super confused for enemy,when get shot by it…player start to dizzy and lost control…doesn’t its to OP?

Exactly, it would be too op, so No.

bla bla bla so much talking and no action. i am waiting 1 new hero ago 3 years,

Scout new armor…Paladin

I would like in the future to add the possibility to have more players in one match. 5vs 5 or 4vs4 is boring .I liked 8vs8 . Maybe 10vs 10 would be great . And deathmatch,not deathmatch is a good thing . :wink::grin::kissing_heart::blush:

This obstacle is super annoying. It hinders sliding. Can it please be removed?


thanks for the report

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I don’t really find it’s annoying, it can make you jump while sliding.

it can also speed u up, whenever u slide and u hit “friction” u then get super burst if u hold slide the whole time

Oh didn’t know this.

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Mostly u do get stuck sorta.

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I played around for 1 hour and then messed around with other games and had great ideas!

How about a friend list and groups?
So you invite friends to a group and play with them in the same team?
and not given rooms to join.
a room browser where you can create own rooms with password!

Wouldnt that be awesome?
And maybe things like reward boxes for logging in 1 week in a row?
or level up?
so you get a box with coins and a little chance to skins.
was this skin already in your list you get 5 slugs.

And please a capture the point where one team defends and the other one attacks the points… with new maps
and maybe you all can make a bigger payload and a better map for payloads?
i hate the straight map where everyone can see you
Also somethning like a map contest to find new maps.
There should be own maps for payload or so
Maybe shrink prices for skin and please nerf the thank about a half percent. i think this would be fair

THATS IT :smiley:

I suggested the friends list thing many times. That’s just something every game should have no matter what. We used to have one but it was removed. Hopefully they add it again in the future.

I still have no idea why that was removed back in the day. Every game absolutely must have that if you want to have better team gameplay.

Yeah idk. When frg made a whole new design for the home screen they removed it.

No matter if you have started one day ago or play it for weeks.
Best game you can find!


Glad u enjoy playing FFT!:slight_smile:


Y8 Games