(Might be a long post)
About the “Add a vote kicking system” like what one guy above said, It’s way too easy to exploit it but what about an Automatic Server / System Kick, in my opinion at least FFT should have some filter words script which players shouldn’t be allowed to use them in-game to hurt anyone… such as “veryrudeword1” , “veryrudeword2” etc this is how it should work, the feature has been coded randomly for it’s final decision in such a way that, a player who uses one of those words might be warned by the server and if not lucky enough the server might kick him/her without given warns (like i said, it should be random in punishing).
The Server is given a sort of three ways of punishment ie Kick , Mute and Warn… they’re randomized so Under the Kick command it entails or has a minimum of 5 seconds to a maximum of 30 seconds same should be done to the other types of punishment which should be done by the Server automatically.
About the filter words, continuous explanation…
Player 1 uses a word “veryrudeword1” – The server immediately has to randomly picks any of the punishment types which would be given to that player so for instance, Player 1 may be lucky enough to receive only the “Warning” type of the punishment…
Meanwhile, Player 2 uses the same word but he got the different Punishment type, it could be “Kick” or “Mute” with a given randomized timer (like i said above, minimum 5 seconds and maximum 30 seconds)
In my opinion, it should appear in the Chatbox at the left corner like this
Server Action: Player (user-name) has been kicked (random) out from the Server, Reason: veryrudeword1 (Depends on what he/she said). Timer: 10 seconds. (random)
To be more visible in chat, the colors of it could be
Server Action = Red
Message = Red but the Player name only should be = White.
So, after he/she gets kicked out from server by the response from the SA (Server Action)… Thus, all players in that particular server (Dock 2 Europe) should see the Server Action to serve the other players as a warning from also using the same worlds or other filter-words / inappropriate words which an’t allowed to be used in-game to hurt any player/user.
I hope you understands what am trying to suggest…
- This same also could be done to the Hackers / Glitch, how? The Server action has to be coded such a way at least it can detect the hacks / glitchs by the player in that server… and like i said earlier, immediately it does that, the server randomly choose the punishment types ie Kick , Warn and Temporary Banned (the server action shouldn’t be allowed to perma-banned) if the player keeps on using the hack then players in that server have to use the Report feature in-game or take picture/Screen-shots and post them on the Forums like what they do in the Report thread for the Staffs/Devs to take care of it. Additional Note: The Temp Banned should have a set of dates/time/hours which would be given to the player ie
24 hours ( a day) ,
72 hours (three days) ,
120 hours ( five days) and
168 hours ( a week).
Optional: For the work of Moderators to have some usage, they should be able to either Turn On / Activated or Turn Off / Deactivate the Server Action… The command could be like /turnonserveraction (in short; /tosa).
And of course, all users should see it on the Chatbox no matter which server you’re on you have to see it when a moderator is turning it ON or OFF example
Server: Moderator (name) has activated (depends) the Server Action Commander (can change the name of it).
To be more visible in chat, the colors of it could be
Server = Red
Message = Red but the word Activated = Green.
For the opposite of it, the only changes of color would be
Deactivated = Red.
or vice-versa, everyone should see this so he/she would be aware of it
Thanks for reading, and sorry if you didn’t understand my point… remember, this is just a suggestion!!
PS I may have some mistakes with the grammar, just correct me if you see some.