those are the buffs and nerf that i have thought of. BR is too weak, and hitting head shots isn’t effective either, it’s only use is to try to kill running/flying/sliding scouts/bombers/assassins wich usually ends in fails.
Also his Q needs to be nerfed.
the Stim Pack is a totally different subject here. Even if i agree on the fact that we need to re-adjust this skill once the BR becomes a decent weapon, just keep it out for now.
Just wanted to mention his Q, i have seen allot of players complain about it.
BR first, then we deal with Stim pack. In this order. Right now commando is still a good class with a crap secondary weapon, and a pretty strong Q. We are aware of it, and there is a sort of balance in it.
Make this game fps, and tps. Plus remove the auto lock if it happens.
Nah, just make auto-lock smaller and weaker.
Just played awhile ago, if not hackers… the shitty slide abuser assassins and tanks + multiple shocker camps
Probably wont be popular but i think commando second weapon should be a harpoon gun that does low damage and travels relatively slowly on the way out and with a bullet drop arc to it, making it tricky to aim but reels them in to shotgun range super fast upon contact a la scorpion from mortal combat
DOTA pudge ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+1 on harpoon gun.
That actually sounds cool.
Actually a harpoon gun sounds great tbh, will it have a scope? so when you get headshots they are stunned, leaving them defenseless and easy to finish with the shotgun.
No headshot stun plz, cuz there’s buttstroke.
You can stun once, after that he has stun resistance, also with the headshot and the buttstroke you can stun 2 people at a time.
why not tank Q shield becomes easier to beat. example. COMET RUSH OR ASTEROID RUSH OR BUTT STROKE should be able to destroy Q shield ( doesntwork to buckler
I would overall suggest a online multiplayer mode
It is…online…multiplayer…mode…
Lmfao , thats a great idea! playing with bots is just too boring.
Commando needs a sr to compete in this game though
Shotguns can’t cover distance and Commando is slow as shit for 98% of the time he’s alive.
BR is just utter shit. RG isn’t. Rg’s perfect. Maybe give Commando a tweaked version of RG: it deals relatively less damage, but faster recoil; not excessively fast to the point some hits don’t register with the server