Then ‘mod’ using an alt, or just connect with mod acc when someone needs to be kicked.
Too much effort.
Part of the job sorry
To be fair its not a paid job so you cant expect people to dedicate their entire life to it. If they never get to play normally at all then they’d lose interest and give up i bet.
I’ve suggested this 1,000 times.[quote=“deaaa0803, post:590, topic:2062, full:true”]
Mh…I really don’t know. Because of trolling and because I’m a mod doesn’t mean i don’t want to play one match normally.
Mods could have an active/non-active button where we could make ourselves available to players. If we’re busy/Afk we can click non-active. That way people can’t call us whenever they want.
This is true, we don’t get paid for it…It’s strictly volunteer work. Sometimes we just want to hide in tiny dock and play regular games like everyone else.
I’d be the first to do it, tbh. Thank you for your dedication.
1: I realize new classes won’t be out for a while. Here’s what you guys should actually focus on first to fix all the game’s issues and maybe even make some cash:
2: No, I don’t want FFT to be TF2. I want it to be a good game.
1: Get some sort of anti-hack for FFT.
2: Get the game on steam. That’s probably the only way it will ever get bigger than maybe a thousand players, and it’s definitely the only way you guys will ever make a lot of money.
3: Bring back the old armory system. Seriously.
4: More maps, not more classes.
These are the only suggestions I have for now, honestly. Now I will talk about why I suggested them.
1: The anti-hack thing goes pretty much without saying. Mods are almost completely useless, and in the end only create more problems (corrupt mods who basically cheat, more account sharers, and contention within FFT’s tiny player-base.) An anti-hack is definitely the first thing that should happen.
2: Imagine the possibilities getting FFT on steam would open up. Steam is full of tons of passionate gamers who could actually make FFT a great game. FFT was greenlit at one point, which means that what I’m saying is far from unrealistic. It would let the developers make money off of it and therefore spend money on it. More servers, more updates, and overall a much better game.
3: More diverse classes. You wouldn’t have to keep adding new classes into the game if you just brought back the old armory system and tweaked it as needed. Imagine how much balancing work this would save you.
4: Pretty self explanatory. One noteworthy thing: bigger maps would actually make heavy classes make sense. They are too fast now considering how tiny maps are.
Quick Idea: Competitive FFT.
A “highlander” format with two teams of 10 (one of each class.)
A “6s” format with one Tech (or Shocker/Fixer), two Scouts, (or one Scout/Assassin [flank scout] and one Bomber [combo scout]) one Tank (pocket), one Blaster (roamer), and a pocketed Commando. A Scout or Blaster could switch to Gunner when necessary.
A “4s” format with the original four classes.
Mumble, teamspeak, or discord could be used. Rewards for wins could include skins (possibly personalized.)
Thanks for moving it back to the suggestion topic.
Highlander mode = Last man standing ? or something else ?
No. Look up TF2 Highlander/6s/4s. Something like that would DEFINITELY be possible in FFT.
Finally a great suggestion tbh.
A competitive mode with ranking and hero limit? Instead of playing vs 6 tanks you can strategically pick the heroes. (E.g: 2 healers, 2tanks, 2 dps)
Yea, SS and I discussed a bit about it. But I think for that we would need way more players and a lot of fixing+separate ELO to make it happen.
This is one of the best ideas among the others I have read so far… i hope the Devs will take it serious.
Game modes & match make ups with limited class choices are an issue, considering you have to actually “buy” classes, it would end up being pretty unfair for some players, unless we start to let’em “hire” some classes they don’t own for these particular game modes. Will think about it !
K, thx!
I forgot who suggested it, but renting classes was always a good idea. That way people could test a class out before they buy it or use a class because they simply don’t have enough cash to purchase it yet.
Something I’ve been saying since 2013.
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